The shattered History of Island Inquest

The shattered History is a catch-all name for history at large in Inquest.

Throughout time and by Magic history was (quite literally) changed, often by aa single person's whim. Most of the past is no longer linear or was lost entirely.

There are no sources that provide definitive truth, as there are many examples of historic events that only survived in either oral traditions or written records that actively contradict each other.

Cover image: Island Inquest Header by Jan Kaltenecker

Age of Wishes

500 1000

During the Age of Wishes Magic reigned supreme and without bounds. Everything was possible and no one thought about what comes after.

  • 500 past

    The First Wish
    Era beginning/end

    Once the first Wish was spoken, it changed the Course of History on Inquest.

    What the Wish once was, from and for whom it was uttered, hasn't survived the Shattered History, but many are sure, that it is still in effect.

    More reading
    The Age of Wishes
  • 718 past

    Harshest Drought
    Disaster / Destruction

    An exceptionell drought that lasted almost a year. Inquests usually absolutely stable weather zones were said to be influenced by a fouled Wish. The northern part with its low population density was hit the hardest with reported deaths accounting for nearly half of the total population.

  • 1000 past

    3 Brach

    The Last Day of the Great Order
    Era beginning/end

    The Armies of the Great Order meet on Inquest for the Last Engagement before the End of the World.

    A collaboration of various independent forces ended the Great Order by wishing away a collection of essential Aspects of their powers.

Senescence of Lifes Trinity

1000 and beyond

What remained of Reality is now known as Lifes Trinity. Heroes, Villains and the Mundane People.

  • 1 trin

    3 Brach

    The Last Day of the Great Order
    Era beginning/end

    The Armies of the Great Order meet on Inquest for the Last Engagement before the End of the World.

    A collaboration of various independent forces ended the Great Order by wishing away a collection of essential Aspects of their powers.

  • 805 trin

    5 Hervst
    807 trin

    10 Yearend

    Release of Prosenial

    Prosenial separatists succeed in a coup against the drusseodian instantiated Duke in Brussal.

    The War of Prosenials Liberation extends to overthrow the drusseodian royal dynasty after they refuse to acknowledge Prosenials Sovereignity.

    Traditional drusseodian Phalanxes march head-first into Prosenials Firing-Lines, equipped with the first Scrollthrowers to be used in military history.

    A weakened Drusseodia capitulates without condition in 1805. Splinter groups are hunted by prosenial Armed Forces until the integration of both States in the newly formed dual-monarchy: "Prosenial-Drusseodia".

    Almost a third of Inquests population, six million Civilians and Soldiers, fall victim to the war.

  • 909 trin

    20 Pass
    910 trin

    25 Yearend

    Release of Drusseodia

    Drusseodian Partisan storm the King Regents City Residence, placing him and his Household under House-Arrest in one of his Summer Palaces south-east of Brossal

    At the same time, multiple Attacks using potent Explosives are carried out against Prosenial-loyal Parts of the Army in Kilhelow, Clipass, Dawgarses, and Mudront, overwhelming a majority of the Defense Forces almost immediately.

    Only larger Scale Battles are Held in Sacross and Hounderlitz. At Hounderlitz Fieldmarshal Geringangter is killed by Enemy Artillery watching the routing Prosenial-Troops from a forward observation point.

    His Second in Command, Marshal of the Guard Benetrixa Wolffang, takes his Place as leader of the Revolution and declares the Release of Drusseodia standing in front of the Hotel Cabernetti, South of the Royal Stables.


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