Brossal Sprouts

Brossal Sprouts are short-legged omnivores from the family of Fringe Animals.

Like many other Fringe Animals, it is not an animal in the common sense but an animate plant behaving much like one.

I always wonder if Brossal Sprouts just happened or if someone really sat down and said: "Man, Inquest really could use some angry Vegetables right now"
Simon Priest, renowned Bard and Entertainer

Fragile Bullies

There have been many futile attempts to domesticate the Brossal Sprout but with the lack of genetic diversity and social interaction there is not much to work with.

As single-minded feeding machines, they attempt to devour everything, happily throwing themselves against cows and other herbivores who are delighted about the little snack.

Without human intervention, this Species would've been long extinct. And some experts wonder if that wouldn't have been for the best.


They are named after the City of Brossal, the Capital of Drusseodia, where they were once created by unknown perpetrators.

In some northern Regions they are also known as Looming Lettuce because their body looks like oversized angry lettuce bulbs.

Basic Information


A Brossal Sprout has a bulbous body with a diameter of ½ a meter with a short bottom (also called stem) and 4 stumpy legs.

They do not have a mouth but can extend a flap-like fold from the transition between bulb and stem that is lined with microscopic tooth-like structures that function like a rasp or file.

To reduce potential food down into compost, they stretch back their bulb which allows the neck seam between bulb and stem to open wide enough for the flap to extend like a fold in a pillow.

The leaves that build the body are waxy on the outside and strewn with dense patches of fine hair-like growths that feels like velvet to the touch.

Genetics and Reproduction

Brossal Sprout are asexual and their reproduction is temperature sensitive.

After the cold of Icend, the first time it reaches 7°C they start producing seedlings, when the temperature hits 15°C they begin looking for loose forest floor into which they will deposit said seedlings.

These Seedlings look like tiny Saplings and are not larger than a thumb. All Brossal Sprouts are identical.

Growth Rate & Stages

After a Brossal Sprout Seedling is laid into the soil, it will begin to germinate with the first rain. It grows in size by forming leaves around itself, continously wrapping the Seedling in new grown layers.

After about six weeks, a seedling has grown enough to stretch its tiny stumps for the first time and to leave its birthplace. A Brossal Sprout that has just started roaming, will drag their seedling like a little tail behind them, after two or three days it has been fully absorbed into the body.

Ecology and Habitats

As many other Fringe Animals it can only be found in special Natural Reserves where they are actively cultivated to keep the Species alive.

They can survive in most temperatures and climates found on Inquest but prefer the cold and wet woods south of Brossal.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Brossal Sprouts eat by reducing biological matter into compost with their flaps and then wallow in the remains, absorbing Nutrients through their leaves.

They do not seem to prefer specific feed but have a sweet tooth. Rubbing a piece of Sugar or sugary pastry against the top of their bulb makes them almost docile, and they try to keep their head against the treat. This primitive but effective way of herding has been put to good use in the Nature Reserves.

Biological Cycle

These Animals do not perceptibly age much beside old Specimen starting to wilt two to three days before dying, usually not long after becoming 5 years old.

When Brossal Sprouts die, they just fall over, usually on their faces. Laying there with their little stumpy legs hanging lifeless from the stem, they appear to sleep.

Look! Dat ones sleepin!

Didn't know they can sleep.

They can't. It's dead.
— Discussion between a young Child, its Parents and a Nature Reserve Agent

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Brossal Sprouts are not very intelligent, easily preyed upon by cattle and single-minded when startled.

Once agitated, they try to attack the aggressor by butting into them and do not seem to spend time thinking about maybe just slowly ambling away from the cow that chews its head off.

They express dissatisfaction by repeatedly bumping their foreheads into things, beings, stones, and sometimes other Brossal Sprouts

This singular response suggest it being their only real way of interacting with other beings.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have two forward facing rigid eyes located under the central veins of the main leaf. They have limited hearing by reacting to vibrations caused by sound in their top leaves. Brossal Sprouts have no sense of smell.

Where in normal animals, forward facing eyes usually are a sign of a predatory nature, it's much more likely to be a stylistic decision its original creators.

Not that having eyes at the sides, or more of them, would really help the Brossal Sprout stay out of danger.

While they have no way (or interest in) directly communicating with anything, they can make a sound like someone lifting their shoulders up while pressing their head back all the while saying "gnnnnn". There is no modulation which makes it hard to guess sometimes if it's out of anger, enjoyment or just because they felt like making a sound.

It is not even clear by which process or with which organ they produce this unique sound.

Copper engraving print of a Brossal Sprout


5 years
Conservation Status

Cultivated within special Nature Reserves

Average Height
½ meter
Average Weight
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking

Healthy specimens are of a deep green coloration with almost white stems and veins.

Seeing a Brossal Sprout with wilted Leaf-Tops is a sure sign of sickness or imminent death of old age.

Leave the leafs be!

Should you encounter a Brossal Sprout, under no circumstances, touch or grab the leaves.

They are only connected to the animals body by the seedling at its core and patches of fine interconnecting veins. Moving leaves apart is immensely painful for the animal.

Should you see a stuck animal with a torn leaf, do not attempt to rescue it by yourself without professional aid!

Good eating?

Brossal Sprouts taste remotely like what they had to eat last, which always means compost.

The few occasions where they were officially prepared for a tasting, they were described as: "Not very tasty. Not very tasty at all."

If you were stranded on a cold hill-side, and it was a life-death decision, you would probably eat your childhood friend first, before reaching for the Sprout.

Licked to death

As described, the flap of a Brossal Sprout is covered in microscopic teeth-like structures that scrape and rasp over surfaces. Given enough time, they will reduce any biological matter into a fine mush.

Some reports of Undead exist that reanimated while being beset by a Brossal Sprout, they explain that it felt much like being sanded to death by something coarse and smooth at the same time, something like a tiny cat tongue.

Given enough time and opportunity, even a single Brossal Sprout can remove any evidence of a body.

Cover image: Existence at Large by Jan Kaltenecker, Max Hagen, V Georgi


Author's Notes

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Thanks for reading this Article! Here are three articles I think you will enjoy:

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Apr 1, 2021 15:29 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

I absolutely love those brossal sprouts and this article! XD I laughed so much when reading that!   I love how angry the little sprouts looks in your image.   " As single-minded feeding machines, they attempt to devour everything, happily throwing themselves against cows and other herbivores who are delighted about the little snack." This is perfect! Little angry sprouts trying to eat cows XD   " And some experts wonder if that wouldn't have been for the best. And some experts wonder if that wouldn't have been for the best." Awwww, no, be nice to the little sprouts!   " oversized angry lettuce bulbs." Love that description!   " Leave the leafs be!" and " you would probably eat your childhood friend first, before reaching for the Sprout." Also made me laugh XD That's good that they don't taste nice and people are not eating them, they are way too cute for that!   " They express dissatisfaction by repeatedly bumping their foreheads into things, beings, stones and sometimes other Brossal Sprouts" (the period is missing from the end of the sentence). Those sprouts are just so cute XD   " forming leaves at it increases in size that wrap around the Seedling." I think you you mean " forming leaves that wrap around the Seedling as it increases in size."   " After the cold of Icend, the first time it reaches 7°C they start producing seedlings, when the temperature hits 15°C they begin looking for loose forest floor." Why do they look for this type of forest floor? To drop the seedlings?   " The seedling will be absorbed into the now free roaming Brossal Sprout." Do you mean that they live in bands? XD   And they love sugar! Those sprouts are really too cute XD   So my most pressing question is how sharp are their teeth? If some people or animals are not moving and defending themselves could the sprout theoretically eat them? XD Carnivorous little sprouts? XD

To see what I am up to: my World Ember 2024.
Apr 1, 2021 17:25 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much for your feedback! It is greatly appreciated!   To answer your question: They don't really have teeth, it's more like sandpaper they drag across a surface. It would be a most cruel death being eaten by a Brossal Sprout. Probably feels like slowly being sanded down with 300 grit sandpaper. Plus side (if you look for such things), there won't be anything left of you. Just have to hold still for a few days! :D

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 1, 2021 18:44

What a great article! The bumping of their foreheads must actually look kinda cute xp especially with the noise they make. Fun article to read. Also nice pun to Brussels Sprouts :p

Feel free to check my entries for the World Anvil Worldbuilidng Awards if you want to see what I am up to!
Apr 1, 2021 22:22 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much! I am very happy that you enjoyed it! Pretty sure it would be funny in a Lion Cub Way :D

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 2, 2021 04:35 by Jaime Buckley

This was the most fun read I've had for the contest.   Delightful---I laughed a lot (that's always my biggest desire in reading)...and so clever!   I don't know why, but as I read this I started thinking back when I was a kid---a LOOOOOONG time ago, when the "Cabbage Patch Kids" first arrived.   Go figure.   Great, great job---got my vote!

Storyteller, Cartoonist,..pretty awesome friend =)
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Apr 2, 2021 10:09 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much for the kind words and the like! Making the world a better, happier place one angry vegetable at a time is something I can get behind :D

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 2, 2021 11:43 by Kaleidechse

A wonderful species, and I love the humor throughout the article! It was so much fun to read this!   I like how you describe their mindless nature, and I can imagine that their primitive means of communication are adorable to watch. Also, that picture is really lovely. ^^

Creator of the Kaleidoscope System and the planet Miragia.
Apr 2, 2021 12:17 by Jan Kaltenecker

It is so wonderful making People laugh :) I am very thankful for your like and comment! Thank you very much!   I would also like to watch them amble along headbutting things and complaining. That's why Brossals Nature Reserves are probably well visited :D

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 5, 2021 13:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Oh my goooosh, in that picture the sprout is so angry and cuuuuute. <3 This is a great article. It made me smile a lot when reading it.

Emy x
Explore Etrea | WorldEmber
Apr 5, 2021 14:27 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much! :D It's always great to entertain people!

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 7, 2021 19:40

This is very funny and well written. And I love the comparison to a tiny cat tongue.   My only suggestion is in the Leave the Leafs Be section to remove the references to the brossal sprout as an animal as you specifically mention they are not animals in your opening sentence. So something like, "...they are only connected to the sprout's body..." and so on.

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
Apr 7, 2021 19:46

And in the Biological Cycles section as well

- Hello from Valayo! Featured work: How to Write Great Competition Articles
Apr 7, 2021 21:50 by Jan Kaltenecker

I am happy that you found it funny! Thank you for your like :)   I think I need to add the explanation from Fringe Animals ( ) directly into this Article as well. I see how it can be confusing if you haven't read that.   Let me figure something out, I will work on it. Thanks for the feedback!

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 8, 2021 09:35

I feel both sorry for the Brossal sprouts and intrigued by them. Too bad domestication attempts haven't worked out up till this point because it seems to be the type of stupid but adorable pet.   Did you, by any chance, take some inspiration from the Brussel sprouts when it comes to appearance?   ps. You made a typo in the leave the leafs be section.

Apr 8, 2021 10:09 by Jan Kaltenecker

Happy that you liked it!   And of course, did I take inspiration from Brussel sprouts, how could I not? :D It was one of those moments where you look at your work at suddenly it makes click. I've never thought I'd ask myself: "If a Brussels sprout could walk, what would it do?" There is a City westwards of Brossal that is called Brussal, but I thought that would've been a bit on the Nose. I'm not yet decided if Brussels sprouts are a thing In my world, but maybe the perpetrators asked themselves the same questions? Did come to any conclusion and decided to try it out? Maybe my version of Brussels Sprouts are named after the Animal? :D   Could you be more specific about the typo? I'm not a native speaker, if it doesn't look extremely wrong and languagetool doesn't catch it either, chances are high I won't find it without further help.   Thank you very much!

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 8, 2021 11:48

It's not so much a typo as a sudden name change instead of Brossal sprouts it says Brussol. It does so in Good taste? as well

Apr 8, 2021 15:45 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much! It is fixed :)

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 8, 2021 12:04 by Dani

I loved everything about this critter. Its image is ADORABLE and the descriptions are hilarious. Very easy to visualize, from their little stumpy legs to their running headlong into...everything. XD   Edit suggestions: -There's a couple instances of "brossol" instead of "brossal" in the sidebar. -I was pondering "animal" for an animate plant posing as an animal--maybe capitalize instances of "Animal" to indicate its specialness as a Fringe Animal instead of a run-of-the-mill creature? It's nit-picky, and only because the article is so excellent I can't suggest much ;)   "Man, Inquest really could use some angry Vegetables right now" is just one of the many flavors of icing on this cake :D Nicely done! PS: I like the bonus use of author notes to encourage further world exploration! It feels personable and inviting. <3

You are doing a great job! Keep creating; I believe in you!
Luridity: Where love is love and life is lived. Contains NSFW content.
Now with serialized fiction on Ream!!
Apr 8, 2021 15:53 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much for the praise and good pointers!   MPoel was kind and made me aware about the wrong Name. It should be fixed. That's the thing you have to deal with if there are two Cities that are called almost the same :D   Good Idea with the capitalization! I think I will try that.   Happy that you like my Article Suggestions! On many Articles I read on WA I get a bit stuck what to read next. So, I try to always include Information about that on my Articles in case People want to look further into Inquest :)   The Island always awaits and everyone here is our Special Guest.

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 13, 2021 21:42 by Morgan Biscup

These are absolutely hilarious. And cute. I love the opening quote!

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Apr 13, 2021 22:03 by Jan Kaltenecker

I'm happy that you liked it :D

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 14, 2021 19:36 by Mark Laybolt

Hey Jan!   I love the styling of your page! With that out the way, I also like your brossal sprout creation. The sidebar drawing gives me that 'more cute then threatening' frustrated Chibi vibe, which is perfectly accentuated by its naivety (e.g. sprout v cow). Actually, now that I think about it, your brossals are reminding me a bit of Mooncake from Final Space if you're familiar with that show (Netflix). Thank you for making this adorable (unfortunate) little plant and pleasant-to-read article.

Apr 15, 2021 06:24 by Jan Kaltenecker

Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm sadly not familiar with that character, but I will check it out :D I really like the moniker "pleasant-to-read" articles :)

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
Apr 17, 2021 14:24 by Michael Chandra

So cute!!! Couldn't you feed them something sweet before consuming them, though?   Anyway, good to know they can be used for corpse-disposal.

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Apr 17, 2021 14:35 by Jan Kaltenecker

You might be up to something there! Thanks for the nice words :D

"Thunder rolled. It got a 6." — Guards, Guards by Sir Terry Pratchett
Island-Inquest awaits!
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