
Scrollscripting describes the Process of binding and storing a specific magic potential on a backing material, usually parchment or paper. The Result of Scrollscripting is a Scroll.

There are 3 components (identified by their traditional names) involved in Scrollscripting:

  1. Scroll, a backing material of sufficient strength to contain the full magical potential.
  2. Ink, inscribing material capable of binding the magical potential to the backing material.
  3. Script, a magically created pattern defining the content (and effect) of the scroll

Creating a Script

Script as required for scrollscripting can be either be a different scroll (called Pattern or Patent) or a specific type of Spell.

The Method creating lasting Patterns is a recent rediscovery, even though it has to be noted that the use of Scrolls was localized to a selected few Monastries and Wizards during the Age of Wishes.

Creating a Scroll

To create a Scroll, all Ingredients are laid out flat on a solid surface. A sufficiently capable Magic-User then directs magic potential through the Pattern (or a similar formgiving spell) and ink, into the backing material.

As the Pattern shapes the backing material through the ink, it will deform. Depending on the Backing Material this can have different effects. A parchment Scroll will furl closed while a bronze platen will absorb the ink into a plane that lies on its center of mass.

When the scroll has been finished, it can be moved and stored without further requirements beside the respective limitations of the backing material.


Unpracticed or unskilled Magic-Users can cause quite severe accidents by providing either too less or too much magic potential.

Additionally, can imperfections in all of the ingredients have adverse effects on the finished product.

Patterns also suffer from wear and tear and need to be replaced regularly.

The quality of a Scroll is always manifested in its physical appearance, exceptional quality might change color of the material or provide an unnatural sheen, while worse quality can lead to a feel of grime on the surface and tattered edges.

Using a scroll

Essential to the usefulness of a scroll is the ability to access the Script. Unfurling a parchment Scroll will release the stored magic potential and affect the desired spell.

Storing magic-potential in a backing-material that can't be opened without destroying the created Scroll (such as ceramics or wood) limits the use of the resulting product. Such backing materials do not affect spells but release the magic potential immediately into the surroundings, usually with remarkable side-effects (explosion, fire, spontaneus creation of materials).

One specific usecase that requires this effect are Scrollthrowers where ceramic beads are destroyed to propell balls of metal through a barrel.

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Cover image: Island Inquest Header by Jan Kaltenecker


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