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Diamond City Static Podcast | Episode 227

Winn: "Good morning Diamond City-zens! Welcome to another episode of the Diamond City Static. I'm your host Winn Allen. Whether you're listening in the morning or catching us in the evening, I hope you're sitting comfortably, because we've got a real show-stopper of a guest for you today. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

Rosie: "Rosette Erinforth, also known as Compass Rose. I'm a Navigator, and your intro is obnoxious." 

Rosie and Winn laugh

Winn: "You can blame my editor."

Rosie: "I'll send him a strongly worded e-mail. What did you drag me here for today, Winn?"

Winn: "Harsh haha. Well I thought we might talk about being a Navigator. For those of you at home who don't know, Rosie here is the first certified Navigator to come out of Will Brandt's Navigator's Academy. Can you tell us a little about the Academy and what it means to be a Navigator?"

Rosie: "Sure. You're probably familiar with the tragedy of Nightingale's death fifteen years ago. Master Brandt was paralyzed from the waist down during that expedition as well. His diving career was over, but he dedicated his life to making sure future Divers could be as safe as possible in future expeditions. His efforts led to the development of our Navigation instruments which we use to monitor the telemetry of divers in real-time in order to help them avoid the dangers of the undercity. I'm not all that special among us though. I just happened to pass my certification exam first."

Winn: "You should accept praise more, Rosie! The others certainly don't seem to mind calling you the best."

Rosie: "There are five of us certified now. We've been teaming up with divers on preliminary expeditions to get a feel for the dynamics..."

Winn: "She's ignoring me!"

Rose: "We don't get sponsored by brands like divers do. There are too few of us certified so we sort of get rented out to whoever is going on expeditions...Eventually, we'd like to have enough Navigators that each would be dedicated and in-sync with a particular team of divers..."

Winn: "She's answering questions I haven't even asked! Impressive!"


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