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The tale of Hrodi

In the world of Trutina

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The tale of Hrodi

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Once upon a time, the brave Hrodi, king of the Gonnur, embarked upon a journey to find the World's End and catch sight of its beginning and end. On this journey, the Mountainous took with him two of his sons, Valgur and Holltrinki. They boarded their vessel and headed into the realm of gods. First, they sailed towards Alfheim to ask for the help of the gods' blessed. The endless people could not help them, but invited them over for a feast. In this feast, the dustborn saw abundance and beautiful women beyond their imagination. Holltrinki devoured courage barrel after barrel, but even so, he dared not speak with the cloaked lady that he fancied. Holltrinki asked the old lord for advice, who brought barrel after barrel from his endless cellar ensuring the one with the gaping stomach that if he fills himself, his bravery will show. Before long, Holltrinki drank enough to join the dancing lady and gaze into her eyes and decided to stay there forever. Hrodi and Valgur had their wives await them at home, so the old lord approached them. His name was Eillor and told them to sail towards the deep-colored sea, where the birds don't fly and they will see the tail of the Self Eater. Then, continue towards the stars and they will find Hlatrey, where the oldest and wisest of all lives. Eillor did not know where the beginning of the World's End is, but Kantor would surely know.

Without his youngest, Hrodi set out on Kutren's road and travelled for eight seasons, when he saw the massive tail reaching towards Holltrinki, but no gods of the sky witnessed its magnificence. The king and his son sailed around towards the stars and continued their journey. After eight seasons, there they saw an island, shrouded in a mist so thick that not even the huntress could shoot an arrow through it. Hrodi the brave did not turn back and sailed into the white air. He prayed to Perviga to grant him the determination to continue and the eagle led them out of the fog. There they saw it, the land of the bored children.

Hrodi and Valgur landed on the shores and saw two children pretending to herd boulders as if they were sheep. Hrodi approached them and asked them.
- Children of the Shrouded Isle, where is your king for I much desire to speak with him.
- We are not children, we are sheep herders - answered the two bored youngling - ask somebody else.

The sailors travelled further and reached the woods where a group of children were playing with small sticks, taking turns to strike a large tree. Hrodi approached them and asked them.
Oh, mighty warriors of the Shrouded Isle, where is your king for I much desire to speak with him.
- We are not warriors, we are woodcutters - 
answered the tallest amongst them - ask somebody else.

Valgur grew restless and told his father that if the next group of children refuse to answer, he'll draw his iron and force them to answer. The Mountainous grabbed the sword-arm of his son and told him.
If you raise your iron against a single small one, I will skin your hide and cover it in goat's piss.

The two continued and happened upon a lonely cottage. There they saw an old man, drawing an endless rope out of a hole in the ground. This time, Valgur approach the man and asked him.
What are you doing, drawing a rope from a hole in the ground?
- I am bringing water to my king, for he hasn't drunk in days.
- Well, then water-fetcher, where is your king, for I much desire to speak with him.
- I can lead you to him, if you help me bring this bucket up from the well.

Valgur grabbed the rope which was so heavy, he fell into the hole and vanished beneath the earth. Hrodi looked down into the hole, but saw nothing but grinning darkness. The old man spoke to him.
- There might be a way to free him from beneath the earth. But first, we must talk to my king to get another bucket.
- My son was the strongest in our kingdom and your bucket dragged him down as if he was a wee child. Who are you and how did you become so powerful in the arms that you could draw water from that well?
- My name is Erno and I am no stronger than your son. My arms are weak so I've learnt to keep them straight when drawing water. My back and legs do all the lifting. Your son's arms are strong, but his back and legs did nothing, that's why he fell.
- Let's head to your king then Strongleg, and save my son. 

The two headed towards a distant hill. On top of that hill stood a single door that opened into the hill. The old man ushered Hrodi towards the door and told him to enter bowing down, for the king demands reverence at all times. If even a single look lands upon him, Hrodi will be sent back to his creators. The old man wished him well, picked up a bucket and turned back. Hrodi followed the advice and walked in with his head facing the ground. He walked into eight walls and eight guards before finally reaching the halls of the Bored King. Upon seeing the Mountainous, the king spoke with strong words.
- Why have you come to my kingdom? 
- My name is Hrodi and I am the king of Gonnur. I wish to catch sight of the beginning and end of the World's End. I was told by Eillor of Alfheim that you are the wisest of all and could help me find them. 
- You have come a long way for these answers, but Eillor the old tricked you, for he is Shemerno who knows all events. I can help you on one condition. Leave your son in the well and never return. Then and only then will I help you.
- Why do you want Valgur, my only son to stay with you? -
asked Hrodi.
- In my many years, I have created a peaceful kingdom, you must have seen the children playing carelessly around. But in peace, I have nothing to do anymore. Your son would bring much desired exitement to the heart of this Bored King. I promise you that no harm will come to him.
- So be it Kantor, take care of my son and I shall never return. 
Hrodi stood up and caught a glimpse of the king before him and realized he was no mere mortal. The whale stood up from his throne and touched his hand onto the Mountainous' head. 
- You will find the World's End where the deep-colored sea ends and thralls roam Kutren's road.


Hrodi left Hlatrey and set out to find what he sought for so long. After eight seasons of sailing, he saw again the birdless skies above the land, which Shemerno said was the tail of the Great Serpent. With the Deceiver's illusion uncovered, he saw that these were merely islands and went around them. He rode the waves towards the deep-colored sea and soon enough he saw the beginning of the World's End. He began following the Self Eater and is still trying to reach its end, crying out in the night when he is reminded of his sons who were lost on the journey.

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