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The Beings of Light

In the world of Eandester

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The Beings of Light

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The Tale of the Creator

Once upon a time, the enchanted lands teetered on the edge of destruction, besieged by a malevolent force known as the Rot. This darkness sought to consume everything, spreading chaos and despair throughout the realm. The creatures of the enchanted lands realized that their struggle against this insidious force was futile; they could not defeat the Rot on their own. In their darkest hour, they called upon Nature herself for salvation.

In response to their plea, Nature birthed a powerful being—the Creator. Imbued with the essence of the elements, the Creator sought to save the world from the encroaching darkness. However, they quickly realized that the Rot could not be vanquished. Instead, it fed on despair and fear, and it was too strong to be defeated by sheer force.

Understanding that the only hope for the enchanted lands lay in creating a new sanctuary, the Creator gathered the last remnants of magic from the enchanted forest. With the aid of the fairies, who infused their ethereal magic into the endeavor, the Creator transported an island teeming with the last traces of life away from the clutches of the Rot.

From this sacred island, the Creator cultivated the rest of the world, shaping it into the vibrant and magical realm of Eandester. The inhabitants of this new world believed they had escaped the Rot forever, basking in the beauty and harmony of their newfound home. The Creator, with their tireless efforts and the assistance of the fairies, had forged a sanctuary free from darkness, giving rise to a new age of hope and possibility in Eandester.

The Tale of the Flawless King

Once upon a time there, a prince was born. As he grew, he became known as the "Flawless Prince" for his unsurpassed beauty and his unqiue ability to never be dirty. Despite being born a prince, the flawless boy and Gretel, a village girl, became the best of friends. The prince would often sneak out of the palace to be with his friend. They would spend hours exploring the enchanted forest and playing games in the meadow. When the two would come bounding out from the forest, Gretel was always covered in dirt, but the boy somehow stayed spotless.

One day, while he was out in the forest, the prince stumbled upon a beautiful white unicorn. The unicorn told the prince that it had been sent by the enchanted lands to help him in his quest to become a great king. The boy was skeptical at first, but the unicorn convinced him to follow to a hidden grove. When the boy did not return that night, the kingdom thought their prince was lost forever. The king became king enraged and suspsicous of everyone. In his grief, he sought a sorceror's help and counsel. However, the king's new advisor sought only to claim the kingdom for himself and quickly went to work undermining the royal family and taking advantage of their grief. Gretel saw this happening and devoted her time to learning her father's trade... alchemy. After many years, the king passed and Gretel knew she could wait no longer. Armed with her alchemical knowledge, she went out in search of the flawless prince to reclaim the kingdom from the traitorous sorceror.

After a long and grueling quest, Gretel soon found the prince, but instead of a flawless boy, he was now a now a flawless man. He had remained in in the hidden grove, training and learning. He had become a great strategist who believed that the kingdom should be ruled with fairness and justice. He also had gained the ability to know other's true intentions, so he saw that Gretel truly wanted to help him. The made a plan to sneak back into the castle and reclaim the throne. Gretel, being a very accomplished alchimist, crafted a potion to temporarily turn them into animals. Once inside the castle, they were able to take the source of the sorceror's magic and hide it away forever.

The flawless man revealed himself and reclaimed the kingdom, becoming the Flawless King. Once the sorceror was vanquished, Gretel remained at the palace with the King, because she she loved him. However, the King did not receprocate those feelings. However, she was able to fill the role of royal advisor and continue her alchemical studies.

The Tale of the Toothfairy

Long ago, when the realms were filled with uncorrupted magic, there lived three powerful sisters of wisdom, beauty, and knowledge who guided Eandester. They were triplets, but they had a younger sister: Panthea. While the triplets did their best to include Panthea, she still often felt left out and lonely, because the bond between sisters is one thing, but the bond the triplets shared was quite another. While her older sisters had a natural affinity for their respective areas of expertise, Panthea struggled to find her own. She longed to make a meaningful contribution to the enchanted lands and prove her worth to her sisters.

One day, while wandering in the woods, Panthea stumbled upon a boy crying over the loss of his dog. She was deeply moved his sorrow. As she tried to comfort the child, she wished that she could do something to help. It was then that Panthea discorvered her hidden power of necromancy. The dog was revived and began to move once again. She realized, however, that something was different. The dog was not quite the same as before.

She realized that this was a tremendous gift that required study, so Panthea spent time alone exploring her gifts and understanding both the living and the dead. She discovered a new aspect of her power: the ability to control bone. With a simple gesture, she could manipulate the bones of creatures, shaping them into new forms or animating them to do her bidding.

Many years later, Panthea ran across the same boy and the same dog in the woods. The boy was much older than before, but the dog had not aged. Panthea caught the boy's eyes for a brief second before he was shot by an arrow. Panthea rushed into action to save the man from his wound, but he still died. In the same spot as so many years ago, Panthea brought back the man. Once again, he was not the same as before. He would have fits of memory loss or uncontrollable outbursts of emotion. She decided to stay with him, to see if working with him could help her understand how to fix his madness. The two learned more about each other and soon fell in love. Panthea longed for nothing more than to have her own family where she was not left out and thus she started one with this man. Her husband loved nothing more than baking, so the two settled in a small town outside the edge of the enchanted forest.

At first she found her place to help bring joy to children all over the land. She would collect lost teeth from the children giving them gold and gems as payment. She then would use her unique abilities to create creatures called tooth bold's to act as guardians for their owners. When people threatened her town, Panthea learned to apply her same care and compassion to help rehabilitate them. For those that refused rehabilitation and were dedicated to evil, Panthea realized that her skill with bone made for an excellent prison. After much consideration, Panthea realized that she could use her powers for the greater good and make a difference on a larger scale. She contact her sisters and came to realize that they had missed her so much. With their help she became the Tooth Fairy a being of light, even more powerful than the tiplets.

Panthea lived a fulfilling life, using her power to bring healing and joy to those around her, and always cherishing the love that had brought her to this point in her journey.

The Tale of the Lady of Glass

The Lady of Glass didn't always have that title. Once upon a time she only went by Lyra.

Lyra was born into a life of servitude, raised to tend to the needs of her masters and never allowed to dream of anything more. One day, when she was a young adult, her life changed forever. She was walking by the lake as she saw another woman being attacked by a group of ruthless bandits. Lyra didn't hesitate, stepping in to try and save the woman. But the attackers were too strong, and they continued their assault. Finally, in a desperate move, the Lady of Glass stepped in front of a spell that was meant for the woman, sacrificing herself to save her life. This was enough time for the unknown woman to grab her want and ward off the bandits.

As she lay dying on the ground, the woman she had saved revealed herself to be the Blue Fairy of Wisdom. Touched by the Lyra's selflessness, the Blue Fairy infused the Lady with magic and the water of the lake, bringing her back to life and granting her a special type of magic. As Lyra learned how to control her new abilities, she discovered that she had power not only over water but over reflections as well. Lyra found that she was able to use reflections to see into other worlds and dimensions, learning about their customs and cultures. This was all she had ever dreamed about and she soon stepped into these reflections traveling to other dimentions. Much is lost during this time but she returned the ruler over the glass dimention, a hidden realm to most.

Determined to create a home of her own, she built her castle at the very lake where she had been brought back to life. It was a stunning structure, with walls made entirely of glass and shimmering reflections everywhere. Over time, the Lady of Glass became a powerful and respected ruler, using her abilities to bring prosperity and harmony to the Glass Dimension as well as the enchanted lands.

The Tale of the Sun Queen 

Once upon a time, there was a child born into an enchanted land. This child was born with magical hair. Her humble family lived in a small village on the outskirts of a forest. Her parents were simple farmers, who loved and cherished their baby daughter above all else. One night, when the baby was only a few months old, a group of bandits raided the village, seeking riches and plunder. In the chaos and confusion that ensued, the bandits snatched the baby after taking the lives of her parents, believing that she was of great value due to her rare and powerful abilities.

The baby was taken far away from her home, and the bandits planned to sell her to the highest bidder. Fate had other plans for the infant, and she was rescued by a trio of wise fairies who were drawn to the baby's magical aura and knew that she was special. The fairies were known for their wisdom, beauty, and kindness, and they were revered throughout the enchanted lands. They took the baby under their wing, using their powers to protect and nurture her.

They named her Solara, after the sun, and raised her as their own. Under their tutelage, Solara learned to harness her powers of healing and even learned of the radiant powers that she possessed. She developed a deep connection with the natural world and became a fierce defender of the enchanted lands, using her magic to protect its creatures and ensure its prosperity.

One day, as Solara was traveling through the enchanted lands, she met a prince named Roderick. Unbeknownst to Solara, Roderick had been searching for her, hoping to use her powers to gain control over the kingdom. The prince was charming and charismatic, and he quickly won Solara's heart. She fell deeply in love with him, and they were soon married in a grand ceremony. But what Solara did not know was that Roderick had crafted a ring that matched his own, with the help of a sorcerer. This ring would give him the ability to control  Solara and her abilities.

Once Solara had put on the ring, Roderick's plan was set into motion. He used her to commit unspeakable acts even killing the fairies who had raised her and loved her as their own family. The fairies of wisdom, beauty and kindness were forever gone.. and it was her fault. She knew that she had to take back control of her powers and make things right.

Trapped in her chambers, one day she looked into the mirror, she saw an unfamiliar face looking back at her. It was the Lady of Glass. The Lady of Glass explained that she had used her powers to create a communicate from far distances, allowing her to appear before Solara in the mirror. She had sensed Solara's distress and wanted to offer her help. Together, Solara and the Lady of Glass devised a plan to free Solara from Roderick's control once and for all.

Using items from her three mothers along with the magic from the Lady of Glass created a powerful spell that was able to break the hold that Roderick's ring had on Solara. It was a risky plan, and they knew that they would be putting themselves in great danger, but they were determined to help Solara regain her freedom and restore order to the kingdom.

In the end, their efforts paid off. The spell worked, and Solara was finally free from Roderick's control. She was overwhelmed with gratitude for her new friend and vowed to use her powers for good, always keeping in mind the lessons she had learned about the true nature of power and the importance of staying true to oneself. The Lady of Glass continued to offer her support and guidance, as Solara took control of the kingdom becoming the Sun Queen. Together, they had shown that even in the face of great adversity, the power of friendship and determination could overcome any obstacle.

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