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12 River
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Prologue: The Little Tattlers Last Run.


He just wanted to help, that all he wanted to do.

He had gotten into fights before, and even been hit pretty hard before, but this, this wasn't the same. The Little Tattler crawled desperately across the battle torn rooftop, leaving a thick trail of his own blood behind him. His homemade suit was torn and stained a dark red. The cheap dollar store hero costume mask left behind ripped in half. Leaving his sandy tan hair free to the nights air and his scared thirteen year old face exposed to the villian.

He'd run if he could,he could try to escape down the fire escape, but what was left of his right leg wouldn't allow that. It was crushed by a monstrous villain and now was a broken mass of bones and torn muscle that he couldn't feel let alone move it to support his own weight. The pain got worse with each excruciating movement he made. The pain was unbearable, he wanted to yell out in pain but all that came from his bloodied mouth was a mix between a whimper and sob.

His heart beat felt like it was beating against his own ribcage. Every deafening thump accentuated by the villains slow footsteps. Getting closer step by step.

He heard someone calling out for help. They sounded so desperate so scared, which is why he ran to help instead of find a Hero like he usually did.

It was a mistake, he should have gotten a hero. And now that person was dead, all because he didn't get the hero fast enough.

This was all his fault.

He just wanted to help people, and now a innocent person and a Hero were dead because of him. The Hero had to protect him from the villian and couldn't concentrate on fighting the villain, It was his fault he died, Tattler shouldn't have been there.

He needed to get away, before another Hero shows up and dies trying to protect him.

He didn't deserve to be saved, not after tonight. A thought forced its way into his mind, one that didn't feel like it was even his own.

You don't even deserve to Live.

He pushed the thought out. He couldn't just give up, not here.

He had to get away. But his desperate crawl was halted by the edge of the roof. There wasn't a fire escape on this side of the building he could use. It was a straight three story fall into a dark alleyway.

A deep feminine broken voice that was equal parts joyful and menacing froze him to his core, every word like metal scrapping against metal.

"Nowhere to run brat."

Tattler looked back to see the villain marred with blood from head to toe approaching him. Her hard angular face was split wide with a large smile that was all razor teeth. Red jagged spines crisscrossed across her whole body. Coating her in a weapon and armor. Behind her Tattler could see the young heros bloodied body laying in a heap.

He didn't mean for any of this to happen.

The villain stocked closer and closer, He was gonna die. There was nothing the Tattler could do, nothing except...

Looking back towards the edge, if the villain was gonna kill him the fall might do it quicker. Hesitating only for a moment, The Tattler made his final choice, and rolled off the edge and fell.

The world Tattler knew faded to black with the sound of Maniacal laughter.



Six hundred ago the world was changed forever. People were changed. At first it started small, a few individuals had uncanny abilities that increased their capabilities, like above average strength, intelligence or speed. At the time people believed them to be highly talented prodigies. But overtime other abilities began to emerge and in higher numbers too. Millions and soon billions of people around the world began to manifest talents of their own. Some that even defied all laws of science as previously known.

Now in the year 2038. society has been molded by the addition of these "talents" that nearly 99% of all humanity possesses in varying degrees. Before what would have taken a hundred skilled laborers to make, a person with the talent of metal manipulation can create entire buildings by themselves. Where armies were once needed to fight, a single man could take on a thousand armed combatants.

With the talents came great strides in human ingenuity and society. But along with it came those who wished to undo the progress humanity has made. These people, who use their powers for selfish and evil reasons, began to start appearing all across the world. With this rising threat a new organization had to be made to combat these talented villain's with their own talented counterparts. So the Hero's Protection Association was founded. It was formed to help those with extremely strong talents be able to use the powers safely and in a way that would benefit society.

Professional Heros have risen to fame from their deeds of bravery and action. It's thanks to their sacrifices that the world has endured decades of peace and prosperity.


Seven Years Later

-Koshi City- South Japan 10 PM. -

"Today marks the six month since the Murder of Japan's greatest and longest serving Hero, Bannōjin. Police and the H.P.A have ushered statements insuring the public that they are doing everything they can to bring in those responsible for this tragedy. However these statements seemed to have only lead to more unrest, and crime rates to sore as more handlers and heros are pulled away from their regular patrols to aid in the efforts.- Hmm Whats that? One moment please."

The news anchor put his hand to his ear for a few seconds, his face changing as he focused on what he was being told.

"We just received an alert and will now go alive at H.P.A Headquarters where the President of the H.P.A, Masaru Hoshizora, will give a address personally on the current case."

The News channel TV in the store window changed from the Hero News Network Studio to that of press conference. The camera was focused on a long table with multiple Handlers and Heros sat in a line. In the center sat a man in a well tailored blue suit, his hands were clenched into fists but across his knuckles had characters tattooed across them that spelt the word "VICTORY!"

"My fellow citizens of South Japan, I, In the deepest part of my soul, wish I could tell you that we caught the murderer of the protector of our great country, co worker, and personal friend. But I can not.

His face was down turn with genuine sadness at his own words.

"I will not tell you lies during these dark times we find ourselves in. But I will tell you this, we will continue on, we will not let this crime go unpunished. Rest assured, you have mine, and the promise of every Hero under the H.P.As roster, we will find those responsible for this. I understand the fear, anger, and saddness you all must feel now, for those loosing faith in justice, in us. I ask that you hold on just a bit longer."

The president stood up from his seat and gave a bow to the camera.. The other heros and Handlers did like wise.

"We will succeed, we will have-" The president stood upright, slammed his knuckles together which lead out a burst of energy, he turned his knuckles that were now glowing along the tattoos.


Another one of the people at the table now started to speak to the camera while the rest took their seats again.

"To Honor the memory of Bannōjin, We, will hold a ceremony for him before the new Hero student try outs begin in the coming weeks. We hope that this will help rejuvenate our fighting spirit within the next generation of great Heros. Who will assuredly arise to any obstacle that will arise against them.-"

The news cut back to the station studio where the host and co host began to discuss the recent broadcast.

But the Sandy tanned hair man who had stopped his fated walk momentarily to watch the news, continued on his way once he saw nothing there was nothing new to be aware of.

Perran Reeves turned away from the TV and headed for a specific alley way.

His canes clicking as it hit the concrete ground echoed off the brick walls and metal trashcans, but besides it there was no other sounds in here.

Lifting his cane up he hooked it onto the bottom rung of the fire escape ladder and pulled down. It always took more effort the longer he was away. After a few tugs the ladder finally broke free of its rust and slid down. Allowing him access to the buildings roof.

Once to the top Perran made his way to the edge, stepped up on it, and looked out over the city.

Hee stood there for what felt like an eternity. The cool but strong wind blowing in from the coast didn't even register to him. The fear of it suddenly pushing him off the edge he now stood on didn't frighten him, rather he was accustomed to that kind of thought by now. He's spent hours and hours here, pulled back every few month to the same spot.

He didn't want to be here, and he didn't like being here. But it was the pull that always makes him come back.

Each visit brought back the memories of that night, absent mindeily Perran rubbed at his right leg, still feeling a slight sting of phantom pain just thinking about it.

He had survived, he survived that night, and he will survive this one. He just had to slowly back himself off.

It was extremely hard at first, it often felt like his own body was working against him, freezing him in place and making him feel as though he had something wrapped around him, like a rope tied too tight. He wasn't sure if other talentless people experienced it the same way as he did. He's never met another one to ask.

So it was all on himself on learning how to live with it. With practice he's found ways to lessen the effects of the pull. Having a purpose for example kept his mind distracted. Working as hard as he could everyday also helped. And he's been doing great on that!

So... Then why was he still here?

It seemed no matter what he did, he still felt... Empty. Like a part of himself was missing. That was the effect of not having a talent has on a person. And every year that feeling gets stronger and stronger.

He wasn't enough, he just wasn't enough, and he never would be.

Why keep fighting the inevitable?...

His pocket vibrated. The sound pulling his mind out of its current path and brought him back to reality.

He pulled out his phone and looked at the message.

New message in: Hikari Foster Siblings(GAME NIGHT)

(Message from: Jacob Hikari): "Hey Perran, we're starting the session soon. And you promised to be on time this time. "

"Don't make me have to send Nakama out to get you."

(Message from: Nakama Hikari): "No need to send me, I will personally drag you back home by your boot straps if you try to cancel on us again Perran!"

"Its the BOSS FIGHT you can't miss this! We need our Monk support!"

(Message from: Jacob Hikari): "Yea! They're gonna need all the help they can get ;p"

Perran Gripped his phone, tilted his head up, and let out a breathe that he was holding in.

He took a step back off the ledge. Once he was on the ground again he began typing out a response.

(Message from Perran Reeves): "Sorry got a little distracted on my way back, on my way now. Sorry for making you wait."

"As compensation I'll pick up the snacks."

Parren placed his phone back in his pocket, not even bothering to read the replies as he knew that they would just be requests for him to pick up their favorites.

Picking up his cain from its resting position he started to make his way to the fire escape but stopped when he heard a loud crunching sound, and yelling.

Moving to the edge again he peered out to see what was happening. Across the street it seemed someone was using their talent to literally rip open a ATM machine. Two others quickly started gathering the spilled money off the ground.

Another man however stood a few feet back, his black armor and sword made him stand out like a man out of time.

The other three didn't seem to notice him until he called out. Perran couldn't hear exactly what the man said but it got the robbers attention.

Their once eager voices changed to fear and panic, they quickly began to turn tail and run.

The man in the black armor, who now Perran guessed was a Hero. Cause who else would walk around dressed like that. Gave a slight roll of his head, as if sighing to himself, before running after them with impressive speed.

A real hero, cool.


Kazehaya Nobuhito ran unnoticed across the residential buildings. Jumping alley gaps and landing silently on the other side before breaking into a sprint again. Even though his talent didn't aid him physically, years of training made the movements almost as easy as breathing.

His targets; a bunch of young street thugs who just robbed an ATM a few streets back. And judging by their frantic running and worried expressions he guessed they had no real escape plan. He would even bet that the robbery wasn't planned, just a spur of the moment decision that so many moronic talent users were making with the continuously decreasing number of sanctioned heros.

Kazehaya couldn't help but wonder who was more unlucky tonight, this group of clearly inexperienced criminals robbing an ATM machine right in front of a Hero who was just about to clock out for the day. Or a VERY tired overworked hero bumping into an active crime on his way home.

In the end he knew the ones who were gonna really be regeting tonight would be them. And because they are making him run when his legs already feel like they are barely supporting his own weight...

He wasn't going to take it easy on them.

The one in the front, a young man of massive size, with muscle mass barely fitting in his tight stretched hoody ran at the head of the group, Making Kazehaya believed that he was most likely the groups lead.

His two lackeys that followed behind him, a kid with slick grey skin that reflected every light like he was covered in a mukus was close behind the first, and the last a much more average looking kid with a rats nest of brown for hair that hung low lamost obstructing his eyes. That one in way more of a panicked state than the others were. As they ran, money they had grabbed in arm fulls flew out of their grasp leaving a clear trail to follow.

He'll be sure to make them pick up each and every one of them, even if it takes till morning. An additional punishment for illegal talent usage.

The bulky one who had grabbed the atm and ripped it open like a toddler on christmas day continually hurled taunts and insults to his two accomplices.


Despite his additional muscle mass it didn't seem to help him run any faster than the other two.

"W-WHAT WERE YOU THINKING YUN?!" Yelled back one of the kids.


"Lookout?! What are you talking about?! We were just gonna try to steal some alcohol from the store, not rob their ATM!!"

Their yelling went back and forth for a bit. And judging from how exhausted their voices started to sound, Ronin decided they wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight. Sprinting ahead of them and then jumping from the roof he landed in front of them in a crotch.

His hand settling on the hilt of his sword and his signature cold stone stare already placed on his face.

The group came to a stumbling stop, the curly haired kid couldn't stop fast enough and slammed into the bulky kids side. His much smaller frame bounced off Yun like he hit a brick wall, causing the money he was holding to fly everywhere.

"S-hit...How'd he get ahead of us?!"

Yun, the bulky kid, took what he thought was an intimidating stance with his chest puffed out and arms back. And earnestly tried to put a 'serious' face on.

"B-back off Ronin! Or.. Or I'll."

Glare time.

Yun stopped dead in his place before he could finish his threat.

It took him years to perfect it. Just the right amount of furrowed eyebrows to show you are not pleased, and a slight tilt of the head to give it an edge of warning.

It wasn't his talent like some believed, but the two defiantly were connected at this point, you could almost call it an adaptation.

"Come on Yun, let's just turn ourselves in." Said the curly kid.

"If we go in willingly they might let us off with a warning."

Ronin bit back the urge to correct the kid. There was no way he was going to let them off the hook for the slew of illegal acts they've committed. Robbery, resisting arrest, littering, Illegal talent usage, public endangerment, disturbing the piece, he could keep stacking them on and on, but the last one the most important one. Pissing him off wouldn't be overlooked.

Hoisting the still sheathed sword over his shoulder, it clinked on his kevlar padded armor, modeled in a mixture of traditional samurai armor, and modern police fatigue.

"I gave you boys the chance to do the right thing when I saw what you were doing in front of that store. you're going to be taken in one way or another so how about Listen to your curly friend Brauns. He seems to have the brains"

Yun's face reddened like a ripe tomato.


Okay maybe antagonizing wasn't the most professional thing to do.

The kid charged without another word. It was a slow approach, with only blind rage fueling it. With a ducking slide and spin. Ronin moved out of the charging toddler's path and delivered a swift jab of his sheath to the kid's back knee buckling it.

He stumbled and then crashed into a wall. His mass and momentum left a crack in the cement wall.

"Damage of Public property" Ronin added to the list.

It didn't take long for the kid to pick himself back up again. Meaning his talent limit gave him exceptional high durability too.

If Yun was red before, now he was red like a raging fire. And now that Ronin noticed it, was he smelling something burning?

Yuns body began to smoke, black soot poured from the kid's mouth mixing with the blood from his split lip.

"O-Oh you shouldn't ahh anger him Mr. ah Ronin sir." Said the smallest of the kids.

So, bulky brawn hasn't just a strength enhanced crotch goblin. There was something else to his talent.

Taking the moment to collect his thoughts he reassessed the kid. His body seemed to swell with more muscle as smoke poured from his pores. His face twisted with increasing degrees of rage.

So the angrier he gets the more smoke pours from his body and the stronger he gets, concluded Ronin. But how much control of himself does he have?
"You think you can make a fool of me!" He said through bared gritted teeth.

"I'll show you hero! I’ll crush you like I did that ATM machine."

The kid pushed off the wall, smoke trailing from him like an old steam powered locomotive.

The street broke beneath each footstep as his increasing strength pushed him faster and faster.

Ronin readied himself to leap out of the way once again. But something made him pause, behind him he heard the unmistakable sound of electricity crackling. Shifting his gaze slightly he saw its source. One of the other kids, the one with the grey slick skin had electrified his hair. Each oily black strand strand of it stood up on end zig zagging as power pulsed through them, giving off a blue ora of light.

He's part electric eel, great.

Keeping his ever present calmness, he re-adjusted his plan.

Before the eel kid could come within physical touching distance, Ronin with his outstretched hands, linged forward at Yun, the movement startled both attackers. Few ever expected to be charged when they were charging.

Yun’s momentary hesitation gave Ronin the opening he needed.

Following his charge with a jumping somersault over Yuns head Ronin brought his sheath down hard on the boy's shoulder, causing him to redirect his momentum towards the electric kid.

"HEY WATCH OUT!" cried the eel kid, but it was to no avail.

They collided in a tangle of muscle, mukus and electricity. A combination that electrified both of them until, the eel kid finally passed out. Stopping his talens limit was reached.

Ronin landed unharmed a few feet in front of the last kid. The one who had tried to convince the others not to attack him. He still sat on the ground, never getting up after bumping into Yun.

The kid looked panicked even more than before.

Now that he was in front of him Ronin was able to get a full look of the kid. He had a small body that had a few signs of malnourishment. His brown curly hair is messy from being unkempt. And clothes that look well past ‘well worn.’

It wasn't an uncommon sight, especially in this part of town. Good kids with bad situations getting tangle up with the wrong people.

Admittedly, though only to himself, he might have gone too far with the other two. Gazing over to the others, they both laid unmoving on the ground unconscious. Maybe this kid who showed some actual restraint didn't need the same lesson.

Ronin held out his hand to the kid.

The boy flinched at the gesture, probably out of habit, thought Ronin.

"Relax kid I'm not gonna-" that's all Ronin got out out before he saw what the last kid's talent was.

The boy's face shifted from fear to a monstrous smile, before being followed with him spitting a sharp barb from his mouth.

Instinct took over in that instance. In a series of fluid motions Ronin tucked in his shoulder, the barb barely glancing off the Kevlar padded shoulder pad and spinning off into the night. His left hand gripped his sheath, the right grabbing the handle. Stepping forward he slammed the bottom of the sheath into the kids foot before pulling the handle up and slamming the hilt into his lower jaw.

The kid yelped in pain and clutched at his throat, trying to stifle the pain. Through his hand covered face he glared daggers back at Ronin, who cooly slide the half drawn blade back into its sheath before returning a glare of his own.

"Do not try that again kid." Ronin said, in a neutral lecturing tone.

But the kid seemed unphases, he removed his hands from his mouth and tried to spit another barb, but the attempt only left the kid gagging as nothing happened.

"W-what did you do?! I can't use my talent!" he strained out, his voice causing him pain to use. yet he continued to try to spit a barb but all that came out was his own spit.

"Your talent is like a muscle. Hurt the muscle, stop the talent." Ronin replied. It was a basic concept taught in the Hero Protection Association Hero courses. It surprised him how many people didn't fully understand their own talents limitations. Those lack of knowing your limits is what often lead people to break the law, thinking because they have some strong Talent they can get whatever they want.

Ronin turned his attention to the two still unconscious on the ground. He didn't see any gang or mafia markings on their clothing so that meant he wouldn't have to worry about some retaliation actions.

In the few seconds his back was turned the the Curly kid he had gotten up and started moving again. Ronins patience was completely gone at this point. He gripped his sheath and swung it up to block the kids knife that he had stashed away on him. But before the two weapons met A pillar of concrete shot up in front of him and slammed into his attacker's face, breaking multiple teeth and sending him backwards once more in the process.


His attacker hit the ground, quickly grabbing at his bloodied face. And muffling screams of pain through his hands and drumming his feet into the ground.


Ronin let out a sigh that he didn't realize he was holding in. Another hero must of heard the commotion and headed over. They can handle the rest and let him finally get some sleep.

But that didn't seem quite right to him he had to think for a moment. He's never heard of a hero named that. And the voice sounded… Could it be.. No, For the love of God please no.

Turning slowly he looked to the newcomer. A man stood in the light of one of the street lamps, he wore a yellow construction helmet, his costume clearly homemade with visible seams and colors schemes that would give the costuming department a heart attack. Which could only confirm Ronins fear.

"Sorry to butt in Hero, but it looked like you needed a little help." gleefully said the self proclaimed vigilante. 'Concrete... Pete'

No. Just no, Ronin wasn't gonna deal with another wanna be hero who plays by his own rules. And especially not tonight!

The wanna be hero killer got to his knees. blood still pouring from his broken nose, and mouth. Ronin had to be impressed with the kid. A hit like that would have knocked out most people. If the kid ever cleaned up his act he could make a good hero. But that would only happen if they brought him in to face his actions to night. And maybe get the kid some therapy.

"Who the HELL! Do you think you are! You broke my teeth!" grumbled the kid.

"Isn't it past your bedtime, sport?"

"You As-"

A concrete cube snapped shut around the kid encasing him, and muffling his response.

"Maybe I need to send you to your room."

Ronin honestly debated if dying by being stabbed would have been better at this point. If it meant he didn't have to deal with ANOTHER Vigilante this month, and their little quips.

The vigilante stood there for a few seconds, clearly happy with what he had done.

Ronin let out a slight cough to get the guys attention


"Hm? Oh! Are you alright, fellow good do'er!" The man said with a beaming smile walking over to Ronin.

Ronin didn't answer, instead he gestured to the cube that held his would be assassin with his sword. If he listened closely enough he swore he could still hear the kid rattling on in there, accustomed with the sound of his knife striking the walls. Answering the question he asked himself before this night turned out the way it did. He knew who truly was the unlucky one tonight. It was him.

Noticing where he was looking Pete's confident smile returned.

"Like my handiwork? Not bad for my first murderer catch. If I do say so myself."

"You added air holes to it right?" Replied Ronin.

Pete was gonna respond until realization crossed his face.

Slamming his foot on the ground and spreading his arms, a hole opened up in the top of the concrete cube.

His head bowed low and both hands raised high. "My apologizes Evil doer!"

The sound of gasping was heard.

"W-Were you trying to kill me?! What Kind of hero are you?!" came the kids' voice.

His arm shot out of the breath hole still clutching the knife, swinging it randomly, like a caged lion clawing at anything it can.

"When I get out of here I will hunt you down and-" His threats continued on for a while.

Yea, he's defiantly not hero material.

Ronin turned to face the vigilantly. Better to get over with this now.

"Good thing you did that, or else I would have had to add unintendedly killing a child through illegal talent usage to your criminal record."

'Concrete pete' looked back with shock.

"M-my what?" he stammered out.

Ronin tried really hard to not roll his eyes. How so many vigilantes fooled themselves into believing what they were doing wasn't illegal because they had good intentions is beyond his understanding, or patience at this point. But nevertheless he continued.

"Vigilantism is illegal, so is unauthorized talent usage on someone, I doubt you were trained to use your talent in a combat situation."

"Well no, I-I was-.. Truthfully I was a construction worker, but I felt like I could do so much more. By helping people. Like I helped you! I saved your life Ronin!" A hint of anger in his voice.

A vigilante going through a midlife crisis? That's a new one.

"Then go become a Hero through the H.P.A." Ronin replied matter of factly. He his voice never showed anger, even now, regardless of the amount of times he's had this exact same conversation.

"I can't do that.. Look... You went through them, you know how unfair the handlers are. They are all just looking to claim the next big hero for themselves. I wouldn't stand a chance in there. They wouldn't accept a 40 odd something construction Forman as a Hero."

"And yet you think just because you don’t have what it takes to be chosen. That gives you a pass to break the law? Just because you can encase someone you THINK is doing illegal activities in a prison of concrete gives you the right to do that? You can make the judgment call when lives are on the line with zero understanding of the outcome of those decisions?" Retorted Ronin.

Pausing slightly, seeing that his words were luckily getting through to him. Seems like his brains not made of Concrete at least.

"There's a reason those Handaliers are so picky. It's to keep people who have strong talents from just running around and causing even more damage because they don't know what they are doing. I’ve seen vigilantes get hurt and far worse in this line of work. and more importantly sometimes their actions hurt others more times than I care to keep track of at this point" Ronin continued.

"You hear about that Vigilante in Hakemura, that could combust water in to fire. he thought it was a good idea to try that on the water inside a robbers body. The criminal had to be flown out with third degree burns all across his body. And than there was also the Vigilante in Kyoto who had a flying talent, well after a fight where she got knocked on the head pretty hard she tried to fly away only to pass out while flying and fall to her death."

Pete's head hung low now.

"I-I just wanted to help people." He choked out, clearly trying to fight back some tears as realization set in that he might ernastily die doing this.

Ronin waited for the man to get a hold of himself before continuing his 'lecture.'

"The HPA offers pre-hero courses." Ronin began pausing making sure that Pete was paying attention.

"It was made a few years ago to give Vigilanties a chance to become heros. And it requires a nomination. Now because you did 'help' tonight and seemed to show some restraint with your Talent I'd be willing to sponsor your application. But only if you are willing to put in the work for it. And even if you don't pass the course, or you change your mind on your career choice. Completing the class will remove the charges you earned from tonight's 'illegal and reckless'(Ronin put extra emphasis on those two)actions."

Pete's head lifted up with that last part. A smile started to spread across his face.

"You.. you mean I can be a hero!?" A tinge of hope in his voice.

"That's up to you." Replied Ronin.

"With every fiber of my being! Thank you Ronin!" Pete said with confidence.

Ronin nodded in response

After a few seconds of awkward silence Ronin could see Pete had a question he wanted to ask. Raising a slight eyebrow for a sign from him to ask, luckily he picked up o the subtle sign.

"So--.. What now? Do i have to turn myself in?" Asked Pete sheepishly.

"I'll call in what's happened here, and the police will take you in for a bit just to ensure you haven't done anything else, illegal, and will put a ankle tracker on you to prevent you from running off as soon as you're released. You'll be free to walk around by tomorrow morning."

Pete gave him a quick nod, fear, but a little bit of determination in it too.

Ronin had to let out another sign he didn't realize he was holding in. All these vigilantes have really been doing a number on him if he was actually worried they'd all try to run away.

Suddenly remembering he'd missed his last check-in time Ronin put his hand to his earpiece.

"Kraiger, this is Ronin.."

"Ronin?! What happened, you missed your clock out time, is everything alright?" His handler sounded relieved to hear him.

"Yea, Everything's under control, just some street thugs and a new vigilante." Giving Pete a slight glance of his eyes.

"Another one?! That's the third one this month!"

He could hear a very heavy sigh come from his handler.

"Oh-kay tell me. What's this one's gimmick."

"Well, he goes by Concrete Pete. He managed to stop a killer from stabbing me by encasing them in a concrete box."

"Huh, that could be handy if trained properly." Ronin could hear papers shuffling through the comlink and could safely bet his Handler was taking notes about the guy.

"How does it work? Does he liquify the concrete than shape it? If that's the case he could easily capture dozens of villains by sinking their feet into the ground. Or he could also..." Ronin let Kraiger get his rant out about the talent, he's' found its better to let him get out all his ideas now before he has time to think of more to tell him later.

"Do you think he's willing to complete the course?" The question jolted Ronin back to the conversation, just now realizing that the rant had ended.

Ronin thought for a moment before answering. When confronted with the reality of his situation Pete, didn't resist, he seemed willing to do things the legal way, a nice change of pace for once. "I believe so." he finally replied.

"That's a relief, we don't need any more untrained talent users running around the cities at night. There's already enough villain's doing that as is."

Ain’t that the truth. The past three years of increased crime rates were in direct relation to the increased number of Hero deaths while on patrols. Which was most likely why Kraiger responded to Ronin missing his check out time the way he did.

"I'll be sponsoring him for the courses"

"I'll start the paperwork and have it ready for you in the morning. If you keep this rate up Ronin, about half of all the new Heros in the next few years will be reformed vigilantes thanks to you."

Ronin didn't know how to respond, he wasn't happy about it. Vigilantism meant the people were losing faith in the Hero's around them, and when people did that Villain's became embodied and take on riskier heist and jobs, which leads to more casualties.

On the other side of the comms his handler cointuned.

"I don't know what's going on... I swear ever since that first kid vigilantly showed up a few years ago there's been new ones every week."

Ronin knew where that conversation was going. and Kraiger proved him right as he continued.

"Speaking of him, you actually met him didn't you?"

Yep, he knew his Handler couldn't resist the opportunity to snoop.

"Yea seven years ago. Never caught the kid."

"Huh wow, that's pretty impressive for a kid to give Ronin South Japan's fourth most renown hero the run around. He must have had one powerful talent to pull it off. With any luck he might sign up for this coming semester! I'll be sure to keep my eye out for him. I wont let Hibaki snag another one of my promising pupils!"

Kraiger sounded very optimistic, probably just wanting to get another high skill hero student under his roster so he can flaunt over the uniques of their talents.

"I wasn't experienced back then. I had only a year of actual hero work at the time. It's my fault things turned out the way they did."

Ronins left arm still boar the thousands of cuts he had received from that vile monster that night.

Ronin had a strong suspicion of what happened to the kid vigilante. A Hero and Villain fight was no place for a kid. Especially against such a deadly talent user who's reputation was for maiming her victims she didn't outright kill. But no matter how many warnings he gave that kid, he just couldn't stay away.
If the 'Little Tattler' is around somewhere he's about the age of the new hero trainees, maybe he'd see him.

But after what he saw, he knew not to get his hopes up.

"And with a thundering crack of bones, the Liche Lord Bevrost croubles to dust. But before his skull hits the ground his lippless mouth cries out one last time in his ancient evil tongue, a curse on your souls, but before he can finish, he completely dissolves from the holy ora that continues to fill his once corrupt cryptid hall. Silence fills the halls. No longer will the undead threaten the living of this world." And with those final descriptions, Jacobs imaginative cloud that covered the length of the game table dispersed.

"I-I phew..really thought I had you guys there." the groups forever DM Jacob said before plopping down on the pillow on the ground, the exhaustion from maintaining the cloud for the whole session clearly showing its strain on him.

"THAT WAS FREAKEN AWESOME JACOB!!! AND YOU MANAGED TO HOLD UP YOUR TALENT THE WHOLE TIME!!" Nakama proclaimed rising from her seat, and using the wheels in her heels to roll over to Jacob and give him a sturdy high five.

"How are you feeling?" She asked a little more toned down and her more protective sister self taking over.

Jacob sat half hunched back on his elbows trying to draw in more air.

"I-I'm fine Nakama I-I've just never maintained it for... Gahh that long before, I think I might have overdone it." He panted out. As he explained this a much smaller version of his cloud appeared next to him, it showed an engine spinning faster and faster until smoke started to pour from it.

The cold tapping of Kasais Ice claw fingers on the table pulled both their attentions to their third forster sibling. "Tsk, you know Jacob you are gonna have to push your limits a lot farther then that! if you'll ever want to get into the HPA Courses, Not that its likely you'll even get in with that Talent. I mean what would you do if a someone was being attacked? Make a two foot tall mist knight that can't even hit and do real damage. You're better off just getting a regular job like Perran over ther-"

With blazing wheel speed, Nakama rolled behind Kasai and delivered a scolding chop of her hand to Kasais head, cutting him off.

"You're being cruel Kasai, and that's not very heroic of you." Nakama said in her scolding tone. "You're both going to pass the entrance exams and become great Heros one day and we'll all be there to see it!" she stated with such certainty no one could doubt she fully believed it.

"Don't hit me Wheel Heels." Kasai mutter, holding one of his now enlarged ice clawed palm over the welt growing on the back of his head frost blue hair. A frosty breath of air left his nostrils as he clearly tried to control his temper.

"I was just being honest, Heros have to fight and stop villains, without a powerful fighting talent you might as well be fighting like a talentless nobody like Perran."

"Thats enough!" spat jacob quietly not wanting to yell and wake mom and dad.

"There was no need to say that about Perran Kasai!"

The arguing continued for bit but in the middle of the table sitting to Kasias left Perran sat undisturbed on the ground. Surrounded by numerous old and new character sheets and player guide books for Tavern Tales and Talents, the Table top RPG he and his care takers fosters kids play every weekend.

He was quite satisfied with tonight's build. Pandark Windfist a monk who wields a staff, specialized in holy zeal and had the talent; strong mind that let him perform two concentrations actions at the same time, had managed to one shot the Liche Lord after using a few combinations of different spell effects and stacking them carefully to make sure everything was well within the rules of the game.

Perran liked TTnT, it was a way for him to try out fighting techniques and mental tricks on his opponent that he wasn't ever really to do in real life. Sure when he was younger and still had his dad he would train with him a little. His father, the Hero Extend had the ability to extend not just his own body but anything he touched. He had used this in his fighting style, relying on a bo staff he was able to quickly extend and retract it complete ignoring counters or guards but retracting it, just barely missing the opponents defensive strike then re extending it right below their guard. It was an incredibly affective technique. When his father wasn't going around the city saving lives and defeating criminals his father always took the time to show him how to hold a bo staff and how to practice with it, even now Perran still remembers all the warm ups and practice positions, high guard low guards, transitions in-between.

His fathers fighting style was why Perran had chosen to play a monk character in Jacobs campaign, it was a nice way to remember him.

Unconsciously Perran rubbed at his right leg, a twinge of phantom pain made him tense, but he did his best to not make an outward show of it.


The fight tonight wasn't really their characters VS the Liche Lord but was really them as players against the DM. A mental fight of trying to guess the others next actions, Perran had carefully observed Jacob over the past week, noticing his talent often showed images of skeletons, and when one showed a necromancer shooting lighting bolts at his character, and Jacob quickly pulling out his notepad to start taking notes, he knew then to prepare to fight a necromancer. Hence why he had used some of his characters saved up adaption points to upgrade his monks talent from one concentration per turn to two.

He did feel a little bad about finishing off the campaigns main boss so quickly but the amount of skeleton soldiers was gonna keep increasing exponentially unless they put a stop to the Liches summoning directly.

A sudden alarm going off in his pocket joulted Parren from his thoughts and back to reality.

5 A.M. It was time for work.

Shifting his caine off his lap he used it to push himself upright, the movement was slightly painful as his right leg and hip always locked up when he sat for too long. He than made his way over to his work bag and slung it over his shoulder.


He had to make sure to remember to get his boxed Breakfast/lunch from the fridge before leaving.


A hand grasped his shoulder, the action made his body tense out of habit. The hand flinched away from his response too. Nakama stood behind him her face clearly showing worry.

"Oh um, sorry Nakama, you just started me a little. Didn't mean to scare you."

"Oh, Perran you didn't... ah well. um... Are you sure you should be going to work. I mean we played all night, and I'll be honest I'm barely conscious as is. You must be exhausted too. Why don't you stay home and rest?" her tone of voice hinted that she really did want the latter to happen.

"I'll be fine Nakama, its not the first time I've had to work with less than optimal sleep" Perran said putting on a reassuring smile.

Admittedly though only to himself Perran did feel a little tired but he'd push through it.

"Yea, that's the thing Perran." Jacob added in. "You've been doing that a lot recently, are you sure this jobs not too demanding for you? I mean couldn't you find a job with more reasonable hours?"

"Hah! Yaaaawn! Good luck with that! W-what other job would want a talentless glass shell working for them!" Kasai spat out through continual yawning.

Jacob and Nakama turned back to Kasai and the arguing began again, Perran took the opportunity to slip out before they could continue that conversation.


The brisk cold mornings were a good way to wake Perran up. The cold sting of the wind against his face made him feel alert. A few minutes into his walk to Brick Forge Pipe Manufacturing plant had already loosened up his leg to the point he could walk normally again. Pulling the caine up he pushed the little button on the side and collapse the whole thing down to the palm of his hand. Sticking it into his pocket he continued his walk in silence appreciating the now liberated movement of his joints.

The morning sidewalk soon became a hive of activity as people began to also leave the warmth of their houses to go to their jobs. Overhead people with flying talents flew quickly ahead of perran. Most flyer stayed within the designated flying areas of the road, but some younger kids probably twelve and ten flew recklessly through the air, clearly enjoying the morning winds beneath their wings. In the road people with speed enhancements blurred past him, if not for the glass and stone windbreaks between him and the road Perran would have most likely been blown down by the gust of wind some of them produced.

It took Perran about an hour every morning to walk to work the plot of land the company was on was primarily a large fenced in yard with huge stacks of steel pipes and beams stacked neatly ready to be shipped. In the corner of the lot stood a tall ware house where most of the work is done. On the side of building were the words"BRICK FORGED STEEL." And the companies tag line "Built Backup Better."

Before going in to the building Perran did a few arm stretches and leg stretches. Kicking his right leg up on to a medium fence line he bent over and reached for the tops of his steel toed boots. The scar tissue in his leg and side protested this action every time, but over the months he's been seeing improvement, stiffness didn't last as long, and he could stand up for longer periods of times, he guessed in a years time he wouldn't even need the cane anymore.

Entering the factory floor it was a sight of activity, three rock skinned workers with strength talents lifted large metal rods into positions where a forged that was maintained by a fire breath talent user kept its temperatures blisteringly hot. If Perran even tried to get within five feet of that thing he'd start to feel his skin burn. And he knows this because his first day here, that's exactly what happened.

For a week he had to cover his skin that was exposed to the heat in burn cream and cold wrap bandages. Not to mention he also had to hide the injuries from both his care takers and his boss, the retired hero Brick Forge. Either one of them would have made him give up the job because they thought it would be too dangerous for him because he didn't have a talent limit to protect him.

It took a lot of pleading on Perrans part and a favor from Mr. Hikari who just so happened to be old friends with Brick Forge to get him this job. And he wasn't going to loose it.

Putting on his thick leather jacket and gloves he got to work. Onces the pipes were pulled off the press and cooled Perrans job was to organize them into the large stacks of different, sizes, diameter, material, and purpose. The whole organization system took him awhile to figure out, mainly because no one here actually bothered to maintain a decent inventory of the place. So his first job from his boss was to reorganize everything in the workshop.

He managed to get it done in a little under two weeks and that was because Brick Forge said he was going to fire him if he couldn't keep up with the other workers. So Perran made sure to give it his all everyday, he had to.

Perran knew he wasn't as useful to Brick Forge as the other workers. He was really grateful to have this job and was willing to do anything to keep it and prove that he can do it.


8PM Brick Forge voice rang out through the factory. "QUITTING TIME!! GO HOME AND COUGI ! DON'T FORGET TO PUT OUT THE FORGE AGAIN!", he shouted out in a gravely voice. Standing on his upper railing office, Brick Forge was a wall of a person, his skin was a cracked tan clay that was resistant to fire, but was showing its age with dark burns and long deep cracks penetrating his outer layer.

All the workers quickly began their end of day rituals, cleaning the press, organizing tools, and sweeping the shop floor. Perrans first action was to sit down on a pile of 223 steel piping for a break. He was really tired. He was barely able to stand the pain in his leg for standing so long, and without a goods night sleep. But he did it. He managed another day.

Limping off the pipe pile he made his way to his locker to grab his stuff and clock out. He didn't dare use his cane here to help him walk. he'd never hear the end of it. The crew already have enough colorful words to describe him, and he wasn't keen on giving them anymore.

"Hey egg shell!" said Kazuki, one of the forge workers.

Kazuki's large rocky fraim shook the ground ever so slightly with each rock covered footstep as he approach Perran.

"You're able to drink right?"

"What?" Perran asked confused and taken aback by the seemingly random question.

"You're 20 right? So you can drink."

"Ah, yea I'm 20 as of last month." Perran replied already feeling this wasn't going to end well.

"Ahh well thats Perfect! me an the other guys were thinking of going to the Market Strip Bar on 432. Why don't you join us?"

"Oh ahh wow, thanks for offering, but I'd better get back home to-" He was cut off.

"now now Perran its rude to turn down an offer from your senior, but I'm willing to overlook that since this is your first time. Come on, Jukis in his truck, lets not keep him waiting."

And before Perran knew it, instead of heading to the sweet welcoming comfort of his bed, he was ushered away by two rock goliaths.


The ride to the bar wasn't very comfortable to say the least. Perran was sandwiched between two stone skinned giants in their oversized pick up truck listening to blaringly loud music that even made it hard hear the conversation Kazuki and his younger brother Jukis.

The jolt from each turn taken too fast and bump of a curb only exasperated his already sore muscles even more. He's never been invited to one of these after work gatherings before. So he had no idea what to expect, for that matter he's never been to a bar before either, so he was completely in the dark about how he should act or what to expect from the experience.

Perran couldn't help but give off a sigh of relief once they finally came to a stop in a crowded parking lot.

The bar was clearly popular based on the amount of people there, it was a nice place as far as Perran could tell. The long drink bar in the center of the place was where he guessed most of the people came to socialize. There were people of all backgrounds and talents. There was one man with a an Elephant trunk nose, and tusks. A woman whos open back dress showed crystal like structures jutting out, shining out rays of light when the ceiling lights hit them. There were also a bunch of other people who didn't have any clear signs of what their talents were, but Perran knew they must have them.

Kazuki guided Perran to one of the horse shoe shaped booths, and he was a little relieved to see Cougi the forge handler there too. He had red scales that started from his mouth and faded away as they made their way to his back and down his throat. Despite his slightly reptilian and scary appearance he was a friendly guy who always seemed to have a cheery mood even when brick forged chewed him out for making the forge get too hot sometimes. Similar to the forge he could get hot headed too and wasn't afraid to argue back with Brick Forge, which Perran guessed their boss respected him for. Given that he hasn't fired him yet.

"Oh ho! Perran! Nice to see you outside of the yard! Glad you could join us." Cougi said lifting his drink to the air.

"Oh, Hello Cougi, nice to see you too." Perran tried to say it in a calm voice but to be honest with himself he wasn't at all at ease here for some reason. Something about his sudden invitation and refusal of denial made him suspect that this night wasn't gonna be just about drinking to let off some steam.

Perran was quickly forced to take a seat in the middle of the booth by Kazuki's hulking frame threatening to crush him if he didn't slide over. Effectively locking him in place.

Perran choose to sit there in silence as the three men talked about various things about the shop. How local prices were changing, possibility of promotions, and a few about how they thought Brick Forge was an old cynical fool whos cracked too much.

It wasn't long until a waiter approached the table and started taking orders.

"We'll take 2 Gallons of Gub Flight, a shot glass of Dragon shot for lizard mouth here. And.." Turning to Perran giving a Rocky smirk before continuing the order.

"And a what do you want Perran? Water in a sippy cup?" The two rock giants gave a hardy laugh as if Kazuki just told one of the best jokes ever told.

"Careful Kazuki you might hurt Paperskin Perrans feelings! Give the boy your weakest beverage, wouldn't wanna have him over do it tonight." replied Jukis.

The waiter clearly seeing the discomfort of the situation looked at Perran concernedly for a bit. As if to give Perran a way out he asked.

"Excuse my rudeness sir, but may I see your ID for a moment, just to verify your age." Perran reached into his wallet and pulled out is ID card already knowing what was gonna happen next.

Taking the card, the waiter studied it for a bit. Eyes furrowing when his eyes got to what Perran knew was the part that usually says what someone's talent was, on his card it said "None". Looking up from the card then back down at it, he cleared his throat before addressing Perran.

"I'm sorry sir, but I don't know if given your, um... Condition if it would be wise to give you alcohol." Perran gave out a sigh of relief. While he knew for himself he could handle alcohol.(He snuck a sip from Mr. Hikaris stash of cans once just to see how it tasted. He decided he'd never do that again) He knew the waiter like everyone else thought his body was too frail to handle it. While he would usually protest this thought, It made for an excellent excuse for him not to drink tonight.

"Ah, that's okay, thanks for your concern." Perran found this to be the best way to deal with peoples 'Well intended' actions toward him. he didn't feel like arguing tonight, he just wanted to get through it.

The waiter left, satisficed in himself seeing that Perran was not upset, and in fact probably felt like he had helped Perran in more ways than one, Which Perran guess he really did.

The two rock Gollum's grumbled their protest, but couldn't do much once the waiter threatened to have them removed if they tried anything.

Which put their murmuring to a stop.

Once the waiter came back, he had to unload the three gallons of beer off a cart specifically used for large orders like this. He then picked up a small red and white shot glass and started using his talent. Using his other hand he poured the bottle nowhere near the shot glass. But as if having a mind of its own. The alcohol stopped midair and moved like a serpent through the air, spinning, and twisting around until landing so perfectly in the three shots that even the splashes seemed to bend back and fall into the shot glass. Not a single drop wasted.

Cougi and Perran applauded the show of expertise, which the waiter accepted graciously. Turning to Perran now the man slid him a glass full of carbonated soda. Which Perran took gratefully and started drinking. His throat still parched from working all day.

The talks amounts the guys continued however the the help of alcohol loosening their lips, their demeaner shifted to more, 'unprofessional' topics that Perran tried his best to tune out once more. Instead choosing to look around the bar again.

The waiter was doing the same liquid trick at another table and was likewise rewarded with applauses. Perran wondered if his talent only applied to alcohol or if he could bend any liquid like that. His talent most likely lead him to his current job, like it does for many people. His coworkers were perfect examples of that too. All of them had some sort of strength or heat resistant talent that made them more efficient at their job then Perran could ever be.

Above the the tables on the other side of the bar multiple TVs hung, displaying multiple sports channels. on one of the screen the German Wing Spikes were Versing the American Air Bursts in Aviation Ball, teams of athletes who all had some sort of flying or hovering talent, competed to throw a disk into one of three slots in the opposing sides wall. There was no floor in this court save it for a large net designed to catch any athletes who's talent limits were reached and passed out and began to fall. The sport was played pretty ruff, and often competitors would try to slam into rival team members in a chance to nock them out of the game entirely.

To add some variety to the game the courts often had tall pillars randomly placed throughout the arena, the players could land on these to rest, but also use them as push off points to get a boost in speed.

A similar game was played on another screen but this one was underwater. Most of the players on this one comprised of players with either gills, self made bubble suits made by controlling the water around them, or were mutant class talents, having bodies that were more fishlike than human.

On the far back right screen was the sport Perran enjoyed watching the most. Sparing.

In Todays match retired hero turned sparerer; Slim Jim, was fighting against an current champ by the name Rugal the Ruthless. Similar to Hero's famous talent users often adopted a 'name' for themselves. While mostly used for publicity there were those that truly did deserve the tittle. And Rugal seemed to be one of them.

Rugals attacks were fast, and devastating, he had a animal based talent that made him look part lion. His hands were clawed stood on the balls of his feet, and had a large bushy main that was slicked back and put into a ponytail. Slim struggled to manipulate his bodies mass to just barely dodge the blows. His talent was known as Mass Morphing. It allowed him to shift the mass of his body to any other part, he used this talent to stretch his body out thin, and then before striking he'd move all his mass into his fist, giving it a greater impact force.

While Perran use to route for Rugal when he was younger, he noticed that he was beginning to slow down, his hits weren't timed as well anymore, and it seemed he was more attacking wildly now rather than taking the time to read his opponents.

And it seemed he was doing that now. Rugal was so busy pushing the attack and forcing Slim to the edge of the ring that he didn't notice slims body had gotten half the size of his already thin build and had moved most his mass into his legs.
Once Perran saw that he knew this was the end of Rugals rein.

With a swift mass reinforced kicked to Rugals inner knee. Slim buckled his much larger opponents leg and caused him to fall over, using his own body against him. Slim quickly followed up with a double handed over the head ground pound with his enlarged fists and broke Rugals talent limit. Knocking him unconscious.

The bar erupted in a mix of cheers for the underdog and booing.

"RUGAL THE RUTHELESS HAS BEEN KNOCKED OUT!! THERES A NEW KING OF THE ARENA!!" Yelled the announcer as he raised up slims arm which had grown back to be regular size.
Once Rugal was made conscious again and brought to his feet Slim offered a hand, which the former champion only growled out, before storming off out of the arena.

"Bah!! Scrawnny man like hiuam beatin the KING?!! Mus'tva been cheatan somehowsz..." kazukis speech had already began to slur. Kazuki and his brother argued about the match in ever increasing tension. Caught between the two of them Perran choice to try to find a new distraction instead.

Looking back to the other people in the bar he noticed the woman with the crystal back had moved her conversation she was having with one of the guys at the bar to the small dance floor near the back corner. As her movements increased in speed and her clear happiness shown, lights began to emit from the crystals on her back, creating a disco ball affect around the room.

This lead to a few other patrons moving to the dance floor to enjoy the mood.

"Want to join them?" asked Cougi. His body was more relaxed now and the heat from his breath was slightly diminished from the drinks.

"Bahh! HICK* B-barren wouldn't lrast fivva... no fours seconds in that there group...." Kazuki slurred almost every word he spoke, and was beginning to tedder back and forth in his seat.

"Nahh! I-ttss muach safa if this talentless little runt stayyyed right heere withh us.."

"Oh come on Kazuki I'll be there right next to him the whole time nothings gonna happen to him." countered Cougi. Perran once again wanting to take the path of least resistant resigned to his fate of being stuck there. He knew the three were too intoxicated to make sense with, it would be better for Cougi to go and him stay here if it prevented a scene.

Cougis formerly diminished flames seemed to bristle in his throat as his anger rose. His scales turned a brighter shed of red. And heat poured from his mouth. But before he could unleash his tirades. Or maybe even a fire breathe. Perran put his arm on his coworkers shoulder.

"Its alright Cougi, you go have fun." Perran tried to give his best reassuring smile.

Cougis heat seemed to dissipate quickly after, as if just realizing how close Perran was to his heat. Taking a moment to simmer down, literally, Cougi asked Perran if he was sure that's what he wanted, and Perran tried his best to assure his coworker that he would be alright.

Reluctantly Cougi, not wanting to wait for the drunken mountains to move pulled himself up onto the table and jumped off on the other side. Giving a last reassuring look to Perran he waited until he gave him a little thumbs up and a smile, before he headed to the dance floor.

And then he was alone with three drunken giants... Maybe Perran should have tried to go with Cougi.

"Thuaat thaireee Torch Mouth! Gets on myaa last nervaa-.... I tell ya one of dease days i'ma throw him into that blasted furnace..." Jubis remarked just as drunk now as Kazuki.

Tomura the third rock giant was very different from the other two while drunk. He was usually a quiet guy only giving grunts to most conversations. He was slumped back slowly sipping at his drink which was still half full. He didn't care much about what happened around him.

Kazuki however seemed to still be very bothered.

"Thaut minimuam wauge bottom feeder thinkss hea can tell MEEE! what I can and caun't order!"

Perran tried to focus on something else again as Kazukis tirade continued. With most people on the dance floor now he couldn't really observe individuals as much because everyone moved around too much and it was hard to keep track of anyone.

He noticed Cougi at the center of the floor now though, his scales fluctuating shades of red as he increased and decreased his internal body temperature. It seemed to be working like a charm because there were three woman who seemed to be taking interest in his rather unique way of using his talent.

Moving his attention back to the long bar. He noticed that there was only two people still sitting there chatting. For a moment he thought he saw some thing glowing over their heads, but wasn't sure if it was just his imagination, or perhaps just one of the dance lights reflecting onto the celling.

A man in a well tailored suit, a fading hear line of black and large round glasses was talking to the woman next to him, but she wasn't seeming to reciprocate his actions. In fact Perran noticed she seemed to be leaning away from the man, which only seemed to encourage him to keep scooting closer to her. Until finally she got up from her seat and turned to walk away but before she got far enough the man reached out and grabbed her arm rather harshly causing her to wip back around, she raised her hand as if to slap him but stopped half way.

She stood there stone still for a few seconds before the man readjusted his glasses back up to cover his swirling eyes. Her body relaxed. He leaned in whispered something into her ear, than started leading her away from the bar.

Perrans heart felt like it had jumped into his throat, as he slowly processed what was happening.

The man was kidnapping the woman using his talent illegally. He had to get help. Looking around the bar frantically he tried to look for the waiter from before, but didn't' see him anywhere in the crowd of people.

Thinking fast he began to yell out "HEY! WAITER!!"

But the music drowned him out. Suddenly a strong hand collided with his face shoving him over on the bench.

"Shhhhaut your mouth! Pesst... Ifa ya wanted somthan to drink than have some of thiiiis." Kazuki poured some of his remaining beverage into Perran's empty cup.

"I don't have time for this i need to go." Perran stated hoping to get out of this situation now to get help.

Are there any hero's near by? No he doesn't know he never did anything in this area before he has no idea who'd be available. Even if he tried his phone to call for help the police or hero's wouldn't get here fast enough.

"Yoouuur nauuuttt goannn ANYwheere B-buarren. Not until you have a little sip off-"

Perran grabbed the cup and downed the whole thing.

It tasted horrendous and burned his throat as it went down.

The spectacle was so unexpected that even Tomora perked up a little. Jubis and Kazuki just stared in bewilderment.

Perran had to move fast before the alcohol took affect. Putting his hands over his mouth he began to fake heave, as if he was gonna throw up.

"Buahh! Looks like youag're liiiiittle shauw of bravvery backfiyad on ya." Kazuki teased.

"I'm gonna be sick." Perran said frantically moving side to side.

Tomora finally spoke. "Let the kid out you bolder brain, or else he's gonna puke all over us."

As if now realizing the very real possibility of that even in his enumerated state Kazuki moved from his seat, a little faster once Tomura glared his way for doing it slowly.

Perran slid out of the booth and ran out the door ignoring the calls from behind telling him the bathrooms were the other way. The pain in his leg hadn't gone away, and in fact the sudden transition from sitting to full on sprint causing him to fall over.

Picking himself up off the floor Perran ran straight out the front door. Looking side to side panic and drunken sickness battle for control in his mind. His vision started to blur, but he kept shaking it hopping to clear his vision and see where the man went. About three streets down he recognized the mans clothing.

Breaking into a stumbling run he made his way to them.

He had to do something, but what could he do, he was no hero he never could be.

Looking around desperately he hoped he'd see a police car or hero's on patrol. But the street was completely empty.

Checking his pockets he looked for his phone. Maybe if he called for help and followed them he'd be able to lead the police to the villain.

Once his fingers grasped it he pulled his phone out and tried to open the phones keypad to call the hero hotline. But he was so pumped on adrenaline that his grip on his phone was weak, and his fingers shook uncontrollably.

He was doing it again.

His heart beat faster and faster in his chest and he felt like he couldn't breath. A crushing weight grasped his entire body, and his vision started to blur.

What good was he if he couldn't even call for help. He's the one that should be in danger not her.

He held tighter to his phone, he had to try. But the unsteadiness of his hand made him open his phones camera app instead of the phone call option. The camera faced towards him, showing him the grim reality of his own appearance, and panicked state he was in. His hair was disheveled, and his face was covered in iron dust and sweat lines. But even with the dark layer of filth he could see he was pale from fear.

He-he couldn't do this, not anymore, He can't even make a phone call, he'll just make things worse. He always makes things worse.

If only you had a talent.

The kidnapper was almost out of site. His hostage unknowingly, unwillingly walking with him to who knows where. And here Perran stood useless not even able to make a phone call.

He lowered his head in shame, cursing his own lacking abilities, his body was still exhausted from the lack of sleep and a full shift at the factory. He was barely standing as is, and the half a pint of alcohol in his system wasn't helping either. If he tried to fight the guy he would just end up probably getting himself killed and endangering the hostage. He wasn't cut out to be some kind of hero, he's not even helpful as a bystander.

So tired.

His own face gazed back up at him in his phones screen. His finger slowly moved towards the power button. But stopped hovering over it.

His mirror copy on the screen gazed back at him, his own eyes meeting his. He held his own gaze, studying his eyes for what felt like an eternity, but was more a few seconds of contemplation.

What if I didn't have to fight him. Perran thought.

Shaking his head he looked around as if coming back to his senses, just in time to see the villain turn another corner and disappear.

Damn it! He cursed to himself. He braced his body, and took a deep breath.

He struggled to take the first step, the air around him felt thick, as if it was made of wet cement, and it was trying to lock him in place.

His heart beat harder and harder as each continual slow step pulled him out of the fog his mind had put him into.

Each step, each wobbly step, got him further and further. He had to lean on one of the street walls to prop himself up. But he kept going, getting faster and faster. Before Perran had a chance to stop himself, he had broke into a unsteady sprint. With his phone clutched tightly in hand.


Orbal couldn't believe how well his plan has been working out. Hiring Merana to distract the majority of the people in the bar by giving off a glorious display of her crystalline features on the dance floor, gave him the perfect opportunity to snatch this beauty.

Judging from her expensive looking attire, and thick diamond earrings he'd bet his favorite pair of shades that she had some money in her family. Family that will pay handsomely for her return. Just like the others did.

He'll be sure to increase Merana's cut, her distraction made it far easier to get the chance to be alone with his target, and gave him the opportunity to use his talent on her too, quickly bringing her under his control. Even if a Hero were to see them, all they'd see is a couple coming home from a date, and even if they asked her she would say whatever he wanted her to.

Just a little further and he would be home free.

Turning the last street corner he saw the street that lead to a rundown apartment complex that he had been working from for a few months now. It was the perfect hide away for him. Hero's very rarely ever came back to a scene of a crime or fight.

The top of the building was still caved in from one of the larger villain types supposedly being thrown into it by some new up and coming hero.

The fools the lot of them. Robbing a bank in broad daylight was a guaranteed way to run into a Hero or two. No he wasn't like the rest he preferred to do things in a more subtle way. By staying low profile he had successfully been kidnapping and ransoming unsuspecting hostages for a few years now. And he's made a tidy sum to tie him over for the next few years of his life. Just a few more ransoms and heck, maybe he could retire in a few years.

Orbals jovial mood was interrupted however by the sounds of rapidly approaching footsteps, making him tense.

Was someone following him? Was he sloppy and someone saw him? Should he cut his loses and run leaving the girl?

No, unlikely he thought to himself. Had been walking for a few blocks now, and if someone was after him they wouldn't be so blatantly loud about it. He reasserted his confidence and walked a little faster to the side alley entrance.

The footsteps however seemed to just get louder and louder, against his own better judgment he gazed back, but was even more confused from what he saw.

A young man who was covered from head to toe in dust, drunkenly ran towards him. The site was so perplexing that Orbal froze for a moment unsure what to do.

What could this kid possibly want? His appearance and posture allured to this being some low rank street trash punk who had a little too much to drink. Orbal thought he'd better get rid of the punk before he causes a seen, and brings attention to him. Ordering his prize to stay put he turned and regally walked back down the street to intercept the stranger. Straightening his suit he stopped a few buildings away.

Something felt off about him. The way he had turned the corner looked around and then headed directly towards him shot off too many red flags for him.

"Can I help you friend?" Orbal replied hoping to get the boys head to raise up from its somewhat slumped over position so he could look him in the eye and use his talent on him.

Once he did that he could ask him why he was following him. Was he some hero of some kind? Or a cop?

And based on his answer. He'd either order him to go jump off the bridge on 230S, or simply to turn around and forget he ever say him.

It took the stranger a few more staggering steps before stopping about a few feet in front of him. He hunched over holding his hand over his mouth and started to dry heave right in front of him.

"Are you alright there?"

Was this guy gonna be sick? Orbal cautiously took a step backwards, he didn't want this dirt covered streets rats lunch all over his new suit.

The drunkard never looked at him, he stayed hunched over, swaying unsteadily on his feet. His patience was beginning to run out as he continued to not speak or so much as look up at him.

"Hey I'm talking to! What's your deal? Why are you following me?!" Orbal lowered his glasses and grabbed him by the top of his hair and yanked his head up harshly to his. If he wasn't going to look at him than he would make him.

His eyes swirled as he activated his talent. Controlling two people at once was a challenge, and he'd wake up with a headache tomorrow morning for this, but he had to end this quick.

"Who ar--"


His own eyes gazed back at him, reflected in the screen that the boy held over his eyes. Before he even had a chance to stop himself he felt an excruciating pain in his head.


His own talent fighting with itself for control over his mind. He couldn't' even shut his eyes or stop his talent.

As every second passed the pain got worse, and more unbearable. A liquid began to flow from his nose, before darkness closed in around his vision.



When the villain let go of his hair and went silent for a few seconds, Perran cautiously peaked out from his phone. The mans eyes, that were rotated 90 degrees sideways and were swirling was frozen looking at his own image on Perran's phone.

Slightly his head twitched as if trying to pull away but was unable to. Blood began to pour from the mans nose, and his eyes became bloodshot from the strain his talent being used on itself was putting on his mind.

Perran worried if perhaps he was going to far, he wasn't sure about the long term affects of running a talent back into its user would have on someone. He was about to lower the phone as he didn't' want to severally injure the man. He just wanted to stop him.

The sideways eyed man suddenly fell to his knees, his eyes rolled to the back of his head he and fell over onto his back on the sidewalk. Perran lowered his phone. Slightly panicking he bent down and checked the man for a pulse, and let out a sigh of relief when he felt it.

"Huh?.. Where.. How did I get out here?" Came a woman's voice, Perran looked a head and saw the woman the villain had been trying to kidnap look around in confusion. Her memory seemed to come back when her eyes landed on the man from the bar.

"He tried used his talent on me! What an absolute creep!" Quickly she dug through her purse and pulled out her phone and Perran guessed she was calling the police, soon people who could actually help would be here to take care of the situation.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity to finally leave he headed for one of the near by alleys hoping the woman would be too distracted to notice him at all, but he only made it a few steps before;

"Hey wait!"

Perran stopped a few steps away from disappearing.

"Did you do this?" The woman asked she had quickly made her way over to both of them, she carefully stepped over her would be kidnapper giving him a slight sneer too. And faced Perran.

"Did you save me? Are you a hero?"

Her words confused Perran for a bit. Saved? He didn't save her, all he did was give the guy a stroke and might have seriously damaged his brain.

He was certain a hero or someone else would have come along and dealt with the man properly, sure it might have taken a bit longer. But it would have been a lot safer for everyone else if he hadn't gotten involved.

Not to mention stopping a villain without a being a certified hero or police officer was illegal, he could end up in serious legal trouble if people knew what he had done.

"Ah,, um.. No.. No I didn't do anything, I could never be a hero, I just saw him collapsed on the street. And ahh just wanted to see if he was alright, he ahh he still has a pulse so that's, um good... Are... are you alright?" He mentally kicked himself for stumbling over his words so much. But those worries were forgotten quickly from what he saw appear before him.

He starred in amazement as a few red orbs of light began to float around the woman, but then suddenly disappeared.

Now it was her turn to look in amazement "Am I alright? You look like you can barely stand, I can call for an ambulance for you if you need."

"No! No.. Ahem ahhh no, I'm fine, just ah had a little too much to drink.. I need to get back to the bar, my coworkers might be wondering where I went."

One red orb followed by two green orbs appeared again over the woman's head. Her eyes glanced over to them but didn't seem to see them as something stranger or foreign. She can see them too he thought. Was it her talent? What did it do?

Perran shook his head, again, his face that was already red from the alcohol, flushed redder realizing that he had just been starring at the woman for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"Ahem sorry, so I'd better get going."

"Hold on wait-"

But Perran took off down the alley, which too the woman probably looked very strange as he stumbled and limped away as quickly as he could manage. But once he knew she wasn't following him he slowed down and did a lap around the building and settled in the allay on the opposite side of the building, tucked behind a pile of trash.

It was there where his stomach finally decided on what to do with the bitter tasting alcohol.

If he thought it tasted bad going down, it was worse coming back up.

M-muahhaa Maybe drinking the full glass was a bit too far. He probably could have stop at one mouth full. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve he straightened up again and placed the lid back on the trashcan.

He stayed there until he heard the sound of sirens approaching. Peaking out he saw one of the police cars come to a screeching stop. A police officer hoped out of the car and quickly approached the woman and wrapped her in a big armed hug. Literally big armed, his entire arms were 3 maybe 4 times the thickness of a normal persons.

"I'm so glad your safe pumpkin! You're not hurt are you?"

She eagerly returned his hug, Her radiant smile evident on her face. They quickly began talking, but at a much quieter tone, that Perran couldn't hear, but if he looked carefully enough he could see her green orbs appearing over her head again and disappearing.

Perran figured that it must be a relatives, probably even her father.

The big armed officer started talking to his walky-talky and the officer that accompanied him went to handcuff the still unconscious kidnapper.

At a word from the woman the other officer hesitated before pulling out a blind fold and quickly covering the mans eyes. Taking away his ability to hypnotize people.

It wasn't until the guy was securely placed into the back of the police cruiser. Or rather quite harshly thrown by the large armed man into the back of it. Yep definitely and angry father. That Perran made his departure.

Slipping out of the alley on the opposite side of the building he debated heading back to the bar. Pulling out his phone he checked the time 1:14 A.M.

He doubted his coworkers would have waited for him after running out an hour ago. And the busses stopped running at midnight.

Letting out an exhausted sigh, Perran began the long walk home, reaching into his pocket he pulled out the collapsed cane, clicking the release, it extended out to his full length. He was a much needed relief on his leg as he walked down the street.


Koco Ito watched the dirt faced covered man quickly disappear into the alley, his rapid departure showing he didn't want to continue to discuss what had just happened yet his limp made her worry that he had injured himself while saving her. The whole interaction intrigued her, temporarily making her forget her own fear she had been feeling just moments prior.

Going from sitting at the bar just wanting to relax after work, being harassed by the creep to suddenly waking up outside with that same man bloody on the ground and that stranger just standing over him.

She knew he was lying when she asked if he had saved her. Her talent, named "Lie Light" allowed her to know whether what someone said was the truth or a lie. Small colored lights would appear above her head when either someone told the truth or a lie.

The problem with her talent thought is that if someone tells a lot of truths and lies at once its hard to distinguish what each light refers to.

The man had so quickly tried to explain away his actions that she wasn't sure what he said was the truth as they appeared in quick succession. But she was certain that he had saved her.

But if that's the case then why would he lie about it?

Pulling out her phone she called her fathers work cellphone.

"Hello, this is Police Director Ito" Her fathers voice brought immediate calm she hadn't realized she had been needing to hear.

"D-dad." Her voice choked up with emotion.

"Koco?! Is that you, is everything alright?! What happened? And why are you calling me on my work phone?" Her fathers rapid spread of questions and concern helped her calm down a bit, just enough to say what happened.

"I-I was almost kidnapped." She finally said, finally saying out loud what had almost happened brought realization to her. What was his plans with her? What would have happened if the man hadn't saved her?

"WHAT?! WHERE HOW?! I'M HEADING OVER WITH A CAR RIGHT NOW!! STAY PUT!!" her father yelled, she could hear him getting up from his desk and frantically opening doors and running through the police department barking orders for other officers to follow him in their car, and to get hero's there as soon as possible.

"Dad dad, its alright, someone already helped me."

"What? Is there a hero there already? Did they deal with villain trash that tried to harm my baby girl?!"

"I-I don't know who saved me. He didn't stay long. He took off as soon as he knew I was alright."

Her father tried to muffle a curse on the other line of the phone but didn't do a very good job.

"Another Damn Vigilante?!"

He quickly began giving new orders.

"Kraiger you're coming with me."

A vigilante? Is that what he was? Koco thought about the idea for a moment. It would explain why he didn't stay, and was insisting he didn't have anything to do with the blooded villain he was standing over.

But if he was a vigilante, where was his costume? Most vigilantes she knew from news stations covering them, wore disguises to hide their identity. So why didn't he?

Another concern crossed her mind. Why did he look so... messy and why was he limping so bad. was he injured? And why was he so flustered when she asked if he was a hero. He made it clear he wasn't, in fact he specifically said he could never be a hero, which Koco thinks made a green orb appear meaning he truly believed he could never be a hero. But why?

The more she thought about the man that was concerned for her, the more she was concerned for him.

It wasn't long until her fathers police cruiser came speeding down the street, just barely avoiding drifting into a mailbox on the corner street. Coming to a screeching stop, Director Ito didn't even waste time to turn off his car, opening the door he quickly rushed over to his daughter and wrapped her in his large arms.

His Partner and family friend, Mr. Kraiger a hero handler and Hero Student Trainer for the H.C for the Police stepped out of the car after turning it off. Standing shakely, clearly relieved to no longer be in her fathers car.

"Ito if I knew you were gonna break every road safety law to get here I would have just chosen to run here on foot! I think I left half my skin back at the station. If you had crashed who would have taught my next semester of students?!" Despite his condemning words of her fathers reckless driving Kraiger had on his never seaseing smile, showing he wasn't really mad.

"And how are you Koco? You're father seemed pretty worried about you."

"I'm alright Mr. Kraiger, as you can see the perpetrator has already been taken of." Koco said motioning to the man sprawled out on the ground.

Kraiger moved over to the man to get a better look, but Koco quickly informed him that his talent is some kind of hypnosis, and he can get you under his control with just one look.

Her fathers face twisted in anger as he realized how she knew that's how it works. If looks could kill, that villain wouldn't make it to trail.

Her warning made Kraiger stop and put his hand on his chin before his smile got even wider.

"Fascinating." Reaching into his belt he pulled out a specialized handkerchief that wouldn't come undone easily. Tying it around the mans eyes and putting on a pair of handcuffs for good measure. Kraiger stood up and put his fingers around his eye and twisted it like it was a pair of binoculars.

Similarly his eyes rotated and extended as he twisted them. His eyes changed to a haze of color Koco couldn't make out its meaning. But Kraiger clearly could discern whatever information he was getting.

"Very interesting." Taking his pen out of his shirt pocket, he carefully lifted up the blindfold over one eye to look at the mans rotated eyes, Pushing an eyelid open he saw the pupil spiraling in a circle motion, seeming unable to remain still.

"He's completely under his own control, stuck in a loop, he wont be able to wake up until someone can stop his talent. Until then he's as blank minded as a new born child." Twisting his eye back his eyes returned to their normal shape, and color.

"He has a rather unique hipnosis talent, it seems to work even through reflective surfaces. The usability of such a talent is extraordinary! If he practices it in the right way he could adapt his talent to maybe even incorporate long range influence. Could you imagine the implications! Just a simple glance in his direction from a window and he could control you."

Kraiger turned excitedly with his theories, but quickly wiped the smile off his face from the stare Koco was giving him, and the darn near death stare he was getting from Ito.

"Oh, ah right sorry you probably already know those... 'Implications' sorry.." Kraiger rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortable as Itos stare didn't falter.

"So.. Ahem. Who did this Koco? It definitely wasn't a hero because protocol clearly dictates containment procedures and a Hero must stay with the victims of a crime until Lawinforcment can arrive to take control." he said this while looking around too as if expecting them to suddenly appear.

"I-I don't know, A man was standing over him when I came to. He didn't say who he was, and was pretty firm in insisting he had nothing to do with it."

"Was he lying?" Asked Kraiger and her father at the same time, both being aware of her talent.

"I believe he was, no one else was here who could have intervened. I don't know why he wouldn't want credit for it. Or why he left as soon as he knew I was okay."

"Alright, but what about your talent, did he set it off by saying he had nothing to do with it?" Asked Kraiger.

"I couldn't really tell, he was talking so fast trying to explain everything that I got a mix of red and greens."

"What did he look like" continued Kraiger, his interests clearly visible on his face.

"He was about as tall as you Mr. Kraiger, had tan hair, his face and clothes were dirty and..." She was having trouble thinking of any other distinguishing characteristics, from all she could recount he just looked like a regular person, then she remembered his rapid departure.

"When, when, he left I noticed he limps when he walks. He looked rather unsettled."

"I think he might be hurt." Koco added that last part, showing her clear concern for that last remark.

"Why would he just run away after saving me?"

"Hmmm typical Vigilante behavior pattern. Leaves before making sure everything is safe, and panics when the law is involved, quickly leaving the scene."

Kraigers face nearly split from his ever widening smile. He playfully looked over at Ito who rolled his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose with his giant hand.

"Don't say it Kraiger, dealing with a potential new vigilante tonight is not a set of paper work I want to deal with tonight. Call Ronin and get him here. If you want this new vigilante to be one of your students you can get him yourself. I'm taking my daughter home, and throwing this purp in the most uncomfortable cell we have."


Once in the car Koco and her father drove off, her gaze went out the window, she couldn't get her mind of that nights events. And one nagging regret clawed at the back at her mind. She never said thank you.


Perran didn't get back to the Hikaris house until 2:20AM.

As quietly as he could he unlocked the front door, and pulled up on the door handle to keep the old creaky hinges from squeaking and waking someone up. Talking his shoes and jacket off in the entry he headed to the kitchen. Grabbing a glass he filled it up to the brim with ice cold water and drank it greedily, he didn't care some of it was spilling down his chin. His throat was so dry and raw from the nights events that actually getting a decent drink was a major relief.

Once he was done with his drink he headed over to the fridge and pulled out his ice pack, a small circular pad once used after Tyler got his wisdom teeth out. They were great for icing his right leg when he over worked it.

Holding it against his leg he awkwardly shuffled off to his room. Locking the door again behind him he slumped onto his bed. Not even bothering to remove his dirty work-clothes, clean his face, or even brush his teeth.

He was too exhausted to do any of that, and his mind was racing with too many thought to handle.

What he did tonight was absolutely stupid, he could have put that woman into even more serious danger by interfering.

And he had to admit to himself, if that phone trick hadn't worked he had no other plans, he acted on impulse and didn't think of the consequences.

He began to unconsciously rub his hand through his dirt covered hair where the villain had grabbed him.

A villain grabbed him... His hand moved faster and faster as if trying to scrub any phantom feeling of his hair being pulled to make him look at the villains face.

His heart began to race again, and the crushing weight from before reemerged once more. Pushing him into bed, and locking him in place.

He clenched his teeth and covered his eyes with his arm, that quickly became damp from tears that he couldn't stop.

Takehara South Japan 1:32 AM

Ronin slammed his sheathed blade down on the head of another mugger, the impact overpowering his opponents talent limit and causing him to pass out next to the other two.

The victim, a man in his thirties maybe early forties by his look, he also had large circles of discolored skin all over his body. Most likely his own Talent as none of the muggers attacked with a talent, but rather used makeshift clubs form planks of wood, and a old rusty box cutter. The victims lip was busted, and had a bruise along his face. Bending down he checked for a pulse. He was still alive, which saved the three villains from an extra few decades in prison.

He was still breathing and there was no other signs of severe injury so Ronin concluded that while knocked out it was most likely caused by his limit breaking and not severer head trauma. He'll be fine in a few days.

Motioning to his ear piece he switched it to the police hotline. Which was unusually full of chatter this night. Ronin heard words of "The Directors daughter" and "Vigilante."

Cutting the chatter like a knife through cloth Ronin began to report his actions.

"Dispatch this is Ronin, I need a police car to pick up three criminals under arrest for mugging, and assaulting with a deadly weapon. I'll also need an ambulance here for the victim." Ronin's clear and conscious tone put a stop to the gossip and both operators responded the same "Y-yes sorry Sir. Cars are on there way. Please stand by for their arrival."

Ronin gave an approving grunt. But before he could cut the line one of the operators spoke out.

"R-ronin! Its good that you called, Kraiger called a little bit ago asking for you, but said not to disturb you as your trackers heart rate monitor suggested you were in a fight. He said he needed your 'expertise' with a recent situation out in Kishiwada."

"Kishiwada? What's the situation going on there"

"Oh well apparently, um someone tried to kidnap Director Itos daughter from a bar. But was stopped by a supposed Vigilante that fled the scene."

Your expertise.

Ronin bit back the urge to mutter a certain unprofessional word over comms.

Honestly what's with everyone and always calling him for this stuff. There are hundreds of hero's and they all sat through the HPAs three hour lecture training on vigilantes a few years ago when the Vigilante to Hero program was introduced.

Sure he was the one that suggested the program to the HPA, but it was supposed to get the other Hero's involved in the effort to keep vigilantes off the streets until they received trainings. However the outcome seemed to remained the same.

With last nights vigilante and now this one that's up to four new Vigilantes in one month! Honestly what was the hero world coming to, with people taking law into their own hands. Were the people really loosing trust in the HPAs ability to protect them? Or was something else going on that he wasn't aware of.

The thought unsettled him, more vigilantes on the street would just lead to more pain. There was a reasons things were done by the books, why couldn't people just use their brains for a moment and think of that before running off to be self made hero's.


The closest police department sent an available car to drive him to Kishiwada. He maintained his glower face and furrowed eyebrows the whole hour drive, which luckily the driver picked up on and didn't try to strike up a conversation with him.

Finally arriving to the scene of the crime, Ronin was greeted with a shocking lack of activity at the scene. Only two police cars were there their lights no longer flashing. Kraiger sat in the passenger seats of one of them, his face illuminated by his portable laptop. He didn't seem to notice Ronin's arrival, which Ronin decided to use to his advantage and scope out the scene before Kraiger could start with his rambling theories.
Down the street he saw two police officers talking to what looked to be a employee. The bars lights were off and the parking lot empty save it for one car. Which Ronin assumed was the waiters car.

Ronin began to survey the area. But couldn't find anything that stood out. There was no damage to any of the buildings, not so much as a trash can was disturbed from what he could see. With all the ruckus dispatch was making about the 'kidnapping' he was expecting there to be some amount of damage. But there was none.

Walking over to the side door of the car Ronin knocked on Kraigers window with the hilt of his sheathed blade. The scrawny but lengthy man pulled his eyes away from his montior reluctantly, each eye processing Ronin knew far more information than his own eyes could. Perhaps he had some important insite as to why he ecactly it was so important he come such a distant.

Finishing what looked to be police report overflowing with so much information it could be classified as a book. Kraiger closed his laptop and got out of the car.

"Ronin, glad you could make it! What took so long?"

"I was in Takehara" Ronin replied dryly.

"Oh I see well then I guess you're on time than, come with me its late, but I got something I neeeeeed to show you." Kraiger hurriedly walked to the sidewalk and stood triumphantly arms outstretched.

"Notice anything?" He asked quizzically.

Ronin let out a long sigh, and glance his eyes around, still seeing nothing out of the ordinary he gave a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"No not really." He replied, a hinge of announce on his tongue.

"PRECISLEY!!" Kraiger exclaimed with a clap of his hands.

"No damage, no casualties, no injuries', well despite a single nosebleed. Ronin we are almost looking at what the HPA would call a Perfect takedown of a villain."

Ronin raised an eyebrow at that. A subtle sign his handler knew meant he was interested.

"What villain?" Ronin asked, he hadn't seen one in either of the squad cars, was it some invisibility based talent?

"Right this way Ronin I think you'll like this." Kraiger moved with the grace and gate of an Ostriches to the second police car and pointed into the back window.

"Have a look."

Walking over Ronin peered down into the bottom of the foot rest of the back seats. Crumbled limp over limp in what must be a very uncomfortable position, a relatively well dress man laid unmoving save it for his breathing.

Ronin was gonna ask what his talent was but quickly made a guess after seeing the HPA special blind fold wrapped tightly around the mans eyes.

"A hypnotist?"

"Excellent observation! Indeed Mr. Orbal here had used his hypnotic eyes in an attempt to steal the Directors daughter tonight. But as you can see, he's been dealt with, without a single punch or kick, and if my suspicions are correct. They didn't even have to use their talent."

Ronin couldn't mask his shock at that conclusion, both eye brows shot up to Kraigers guess.

"How? What did this 'vigilante' do to him?" Gesturing to the man unconscious in the back of the car.

Kraiger readily gave his explanation. "Assuming he broke the mans talent limit some how, which is how most Hero's apprehend villain's or criminals. Breaking a limit put talent users into a unconscious like state. Scientist have determined that its a built in safety mechanisms within Talents to keep the user from over using their talent to the detriment of their own body. As you well know a strong blow to a persons body can trigger this safety mechanism with in someone."

Ronin cut him off with a curt reply

"So he did attack the man and physically hit him then?"

"Not at all Ronin!, as I mentioned before I don't believe any violence truly happened."

"Then get to the point, what happened?"

"Alright alright" Kraiger raised his hands defensively before continuing his probably now scaled down lecture.

"I used my talent to see what was going on with our would be kidnapper there. He's stuck in a endless loop of trying to control his own mind with his talent. I believe that the Vigilante was able to trigger the limit break by using Mr. Obals own talent against him."

Ronin hand moved to his thin beard as he thought about that.

It was impressive, most people, even some heroes wouldn't think of how to use a hypnosis type talent against its user. Going against some one with the ability to control mines was no easy task, and was usually something taught to third year hero trainines. It involved primarily how to find out what their trigger was, what gave them control, and different ways to potentially overcome the affect of mind control if you ever fell under its control.

"This vigilante... Where is he now? What did he look like?" Ronin asked still working out in his mind how he would have approached this situation had he been here.

"Miss Ito gave his description. However its not much to go on." Pulling out a tablet form his pocket he unlocked it clicked around a bit then began to give what Ronin knew what's the Directors daughters exact words.

"Young, Tan hair, covered in dirt, no costume."

No costume, now that was rare, almost every vigilante tried to hide their identity, there were a few he could recall that didn't. According to them they did because they thought the Hero's were corrupt for hidings their true self's, that they had something to hide. That particular vigilante, she learned the Hardaway of why keeping your personal life and anything resembling hero life separate was vital to not just your own survival, but to the safety of people who know you. Family friends, even old classmates were at risk just from the fact of them knowing you. it was risky of this kid to do that, so either he's sloppy or... Or he wasn't planning to be a vigilante tonight.

And what was that before, covered in dirt? What was that about?

"And that's not all Ronin, she also said that he tried to not take credit for saving her. But according to her own testimony there was no one else around who could have intervened. And using her talent on him showed a rather interesting conglomerations of truths and lies about himself. And one in particular that stood out to me."

Kraiger paused, Ronin knew he was waiting for him to ask which one. Instead he just gave a slight nod to continue.

"The phrase "I could never be a hero". He believed that, not only that he specifically insisted he had nothing to do with this and quickly ran off Which Miss Ito Believed to be a lie. Which makes me believe he is familiar with the laws revolving around Vigilantism and that he didn't want to get caught. I suspect that our unknown local hero is in the process of either becoming a vigilante, or.." Kraiger paused for a dramatic moment before continuing. " Or was already one in the past. Which then begs the question. Why did he interfere, when a normal person would have just called the Hero hotline for help?"


Kishiwada South Japan - The next day.

Perran started the day by sending a quick text to Brick Forge apologizing profusely that he can't come into work today because he was feeling sick. Which was kind of the truth. He wasn't ill per say, but felt horrible. His stomach was all tied up in nots, his mouth was dry and he had a pounding headache. All probably caused by the one giant shot of alcohol he had taken the night before. Again not the brightest of moments for him.

Actually that whole night was just one stupid mistake after the other. He should have never let Kazuki drag him along, he shouldn't have drank, and most defiantly he should not have interfered with that villain last night. He knew he would just get in the way and make things worse. The only reason it didn't go bad was he got lucky with his gamble. Nothing more.

A hero or police officer probably would have shown up and apprehended the person. They had trainings for that. He knew he was ill prepared and the wrong person to be able to help.

So why did he?

That was a question that kept Perran up most of last night. He didn't have to get involved, that's what the police and hero's are for. Perran was just a warehouse worker with a bad hip.

Was it for attention? Or some sort of ego boost? An excuse to get away from his coworkers? No, none of these felt right.

When he was a little kid he wanted to be a hero like his father and help people. But is that reason enough to get evolved, of course not. It was thinking like that that lead to his injury in the first place, and many other things that happened because of him. No he couldn't be a hero.

His phone vibrated from a recent message. Grabbing at it clumsily he flicked the screen on to see the notification from his boss.

"Perran we need you in today. If you don't show up because you can't handle this line of work I'll have no choice but to let you go." -Brick Forge (Boss)

Perran buried his face in his pillow and let out a long breathe.

If they need me, then they need me in.

Rolling out of bed he began his prework routine, but a little slower than usual.

Putting on his boots he dusted some metal shavings off his well worn jeans slung work pack over his shoulder and he headed for the front door. He had his hand on the handle when a door opening behind him made him stop for a moment.

Jacob in his Power pajamas and dreary eyes shuffled out of his room. A fuzzy cloud followed behind him.

Sometimes after waking up Jacobs talent would show little snippets of his dream that his subconscious was still thinking about.

This time his cloud showed what looked to be a group of adventures fighting a large Obsidian dragon, It wasn't as big as say a silver dragon, but its entire body was sharp with black glass, that it used offensively. Perran made a mental note to prepare to fight one in the next session.

*YAAAAWN* "Perran? You're up late, where were you last night? Mom and Dad were worried." Rubbing his eyes he moved into the kitchen to prepare his morning cereal.

"Sorry to have worried them, Some work colleagues invited me drinking last night, and I just lost track of time." It was technically true, he was just leaving out the parts that Jacob would tell Mr. and Mrs. Hikari. He knew Jacob wouldn't want to get him in trouble. He's just very kind hearted, and would be doing it for what he believed was Perran's safety.

He'll make a good Hero.

Perran turned back to the door but before leaving he had a question for Jacob.

"Jacob. Why do you want to be a hero?"

"Hmm?" He already had a mouth full of Crunch MIGHT! Cereal. His face got a bit red as he hurriedly chewed.

"Oh... ummm it ah seems like a good career to see the world... You know get to umm.." Jacob fidgeted in his seat, flustered by the question.

"You don't' have to answer it if you don't want to Jacob. I was just curious." Perran really didn't mean to make Jacob uncomfortable from his question.

"Oh.. No its fine Perran. Its just that... hah.. Kasai said my reasoning was... stupid." Jacobs eyes darted down to his bowl.

He seemed to take a few moments to gather his thoughts before continuing.

"I... I just like seeing people happy... And I see hero's making a lot of people happy." Jacob shoulders hunched in with his back, his face got even redder. And his cloud that floated close by showed a much younger version of Jacob shrinking in on himself.

"That's a great reason." Perran said matter of factly.

"You think so?..." Jacobs head raised up a bit.

"Of course I do, wanting to help people by making them feel better is one of the best reasons to be a hero. Don't worry about what anyone else says. As long as your goal is to help others than what other people think about your motivation doesn't matter, especially if its Kasai."

Jacob seemed to like what Perran had said.

His big smile returned and he sat up straighter.

"Thanks Perran, I really appreciate it. I feel a little bit more motivated for the tryouts in four weeks."

Perran own mood improved with Jacobs.

"You'll do great Jacob, don't give up, you can do it."

Jacobs cloud swirled a bit and showed a rather funny interpretation of Perran as a cape wearing hero striking some power pose.

Jacob upon noticing the cloud swatted it away.

"Ahem.. sorry about that still working on that."

Perran wasn't sure what he was apologizing for, sometimes talents just behaved in weird ways. Besides Jacobs cloud was so used to showing fantasy characters its no wonder it showed Perran as an actual Hero.

"The HPA will help with that, I'm certain they have some courses dedicated to concentration based talent use."

Jacob perked up at that "Oh there is! Its taught by the retired hero mecho mind! He has the power to manipulate mechatronics. He's like a human control board! Apparently it takes a lot of concentration for him to just move one motor. And yet he's able to control his 16 mechanical arms he built himself... Sorry I'm rambling you have to get to work now. Have a good day Perran."

"Thanks you too Jacob." Waving goodbye Perran set out for work.

The walk wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. That morning conversation with Jacob really did lift his spirits a bit. He was looking forward to watching Jacob and Kasai at the entry exam that coming Saturday. He truly was confident that both of them would get in.

But he'll have to have another talk with Kasai. The both of them haven't really gotten along since Perran's arrival seven years ago, unlike Jacob and Nakama, Kasai always felt, no pun intended, Icey to him. But Perran couldn't really blame him for that. When he arrived at the Hikaris he wasn't very talkative either. But eventually he opened up a bit more with the Hikari family.

But it seemed Kasai never truely did, he like Perran didn't change his last name to Hikaris like Jacob and Nakama had.

Perran always tried to give him space but include him when he could. But now thinking about perhaps he pushed too hard?

Officer Yagami slipped into one of the many alleyways he passed on his way to the station. He transparent and gelatinous like form quivered as his sense of uneases increased.

He'd gotten himself into something deep and now he wanted out. He rubbed his tendril like hand over his large flat jellyfish like head trying to calm himself down.

"Pheeeewwwww.... Okay, okay you can do this calm down, you have to call someone."

But who to call? He couldn't call his supervisor cause what could he even say?

"Hey Jaris I'm in a bit of sticky situation, You see I've been leaking information to Grave Blue in exchange for money, and now I just learned that they are planning a hit on one of the retired Heros whos a long time family friend, and no longer feel comfortable working for them. Please keep them from killing us?!"

Yagami hung his head in defeat.

He messed up really messed up now.

He had to do something. He could...

A name surfaced on his memory, Officer Kim, yes Kim had told him he could come talk to him if he had any problems. He was always nice to him, so maybe if he called him and tried explaining the situation maybe he'd be able to help.

Rifling through his police vest he pulled out his work issued phone, scrolled through the contacts and dialed Kims number. It rang for a uncomfortably long time, and he was about to hang up when he heard Kim finally pick up.

"Yagami? What's up man?" Kims upbeat voice relaxed his nerves a little bit, but now came the hard part.

"H-hey Kim... Umm look this is really um strange of me to ask but umm, could you perhaps meet me somewhere, there's something I need to talk to you about."

"Sure I can come meet up with you, I got nothing else scheduled today. What's wrong Yagami? Are you alright" Kim sounded concerned, and yagami couldn't blame him, he was having a hard enough time keeping his voice level as is.

"Um.. well yes and no, Something.. ah something bad might happen, and I don't know what to do. I'm in over my head Kim." He sounded more pleading by the end, hoping it would encourage Kim to hurry up.

"Alright Yagami... I'll head over. Wait there for me, Don't go anywhere Okay?" Kims voice held a more serious tone.

"O-Okay! I wont move, I'll send you my location."

"Yea, you do that." Yagami heard Kim stand up before abruptly hanging up. He didn't let the rudeness slow him down though, Kim was probably just worried about him, pulling his phone he texted his location to Kim and waited right there.

After Forty minutes of waiting Yagami debated calling Kim again, he hadn't sent any messages saying how long it would take. Did he get lost? He wasn't that far from the station.

Venomous liquid that was his body's equivalent of sweat began to bead down his large jellyfish like head. Sitting still in one place, hiding away like a common criminal made him feel uneasy. He felt like every passerby was looking for him. He felt like someone was watching him.

His eyes glanced nervously around back and fourth but didn't see anything in the alleyway.

His heart beat like a countdown in his head, each beat only making the panic in him rise more and more, until he couldn't take it anymore.

He needed to leave, call it a gut feeling but something wasn't right. He decided to change his plans. He was just gonna go and talk to Brick Forge himself. He'll just tell him he's in danger, and that he overheard it at work. No information on where he actually heard it.

No, Brick Forge wouldn't accept that. He'd want more info, and ask too many questions.

More venoms seeped from his pours. He had to do something.

"Maybe I could just leave him a note of some kind?.. Yes that's perfect!"

Yagami's body changed to a brighter hue as he finalized his note, nothing too formal, just simple and straight to the point.
"Brick Forge, You are in danger, Brave Blue is after you. Signed A Friend."

He'll have to text Kim later apologizing for leaving. He tucked the note in his pocket and headed towards the alley way entrance.

But the sound of wings buzzing rapidly behind him stopped followed by the sound of someone landing.

The figure approached not trying to mask their approach at all, heavy boot stepps splashed through one of the rain puddles.

Yagami should run, not look back, but he couldn't help but turn and see who it was.

A shorter figure clad in red and black robes slowly approached him, their face was covered with a mask that only showed her eyes. Thick fur lined the outfit and one arm came to a spear point of a tip. On her back large rounded insect like wings batted back and forth like a cats tail about to leap on a mouse.

If Yagami had a throat he'd feel his heart in it.

"W-who are you?!" He began to back away slowly.

"I'm the consequences of you trying to betray Blue!" Came a females voice, it was tinged with pure anger and distain aimed at him, but was also boistures with confidence.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Yagami proclaimed.

"I hadn't told anyone anything! I swear!" Yagami continued to back up but that only made his assailure approach faster. Her fast footsteps quickly making the gap between them shrink.

"But you were planning too. You're a weak link that needs to be cut Yagami." The woman said now only a few feet away, spear tip arm moving with anticipation to cut his throat.

Yagami knew there was no way to talk his way out of this now. When Blue wanted someone dead, they would die. And right now Blue wanted him dead before he could warn Brick Forge.

He turned to his only defensive option, He began to shake his head back and fourth sending his venomous sweat to coat the alleyway in its thick sticky substance, any skin that hit would become numb. If he could just get enough of it on her he could escape.

He felt a deep slash cross his chest. He stumbled back stopping the rain of venom. He clenched at his chest, and a thick blue blood came out.

Her arm had cut straight through his kevlar chest piece. While it was Talent enhanced and it started to self repair itself. Little fibers twisting together to close the gap, it wasn't enhanced to withstand a Villain attack of this Sharpness.

His adrenaline kicked in. He may be a corrupt cop, a double dealer, and well a coward sometimes.. but he was still trained to use his Talent in a fight.

Using his two long arms he flung them out in an attempts to either grapple the Blue assassin or just to get her to back off a bit. The while swinging of his arms worked and she took a few defensive steps back. But kept her spear arm up and ready.

yagami raised a hand up to strike at her, which she countered by parrying his hit with her spear arm. Batting it to the side she lunged forward at him. A menacing glint to her eyes as she pierced his defenses and charged forward. Yagami just barely dodged out of the way, the spear tearing another hole through his vest but not striking his soft skin beneath.

Yagami took the opportunity to wrap her up in a bear hug. His assailant kicked and fought him with surprising strength for her size.

He began to secrete venom from his arms, hopping that she'll go limp in a few moments once the Venom soaked through her clothing and made contact with her skin shutting off her nerves. But she only seemed to fight harder the longer he held her. Eventually she was able to break her spear arm free and with a quick thrust she stabbed it into Yagami's side. Piercing the kevlar layers and skin.

He let her go with a yell and clutched at his side.

"You'll blackout soon! My venom has brought down bigger villains than you!" He tried to sound confident, but he was in a lot of pain, and the pain seemed like it was spreading.

The spear armed villain however didn't seem to care much for that information. Instead she bent down to his eye level, took her non spear hand and wiped off his venom with her bear hand.

"I-impossible... Your, nervous system should have... Shut down...."

"I guess my tolerance to my own venom is just stronger than yours." She replied.

Venom? What venom? Yagami's whole body was made of a venom that could completely paralyze anyone. no ones venom could hurt him.

But if that's the case then what was he feeling in his side.

A tingling sensation slowly spread through out his body, it was like getting stung by a thousand wasps, he fell to the ground and writhed in pain.

Through screams of grunts and pains he yelled out.

"I-I have backup coming!.... They'll be here any.... minute!" Yagami was partially bluffing. If Kim showed up he could use his wind talent to send this lacky flying against the wall.

"Who do you think sent me your location Yagami?"



Arriving at work an hour late, Perran had to forgo his usual pre stretches, and did his best to not to limp in front of any of his coworkers, nothing he wasn't already accustomed to.

Looking around the warehouse he noticed that Kazuki wasn't here today. Which is probably why Brick forged needed Perran to come in today.

He saw Cougi hard at work at the forge blowing large sprouts of fire from his mouth on a steel bar that Brick Forge himself was handling. It was pretty rare to see their boss do any manual labor anymore, usually he just handled administrative duties. In the upper office that overlooked the warehouse.

Brick Forge didn't need to wear any safety protection gear like some of the others had to. His skin was made of the same material as a Kelm, which made him almost entirely heat resistant. Or he used to be. Large cracks have formed across his tan clay skin. Years of hero work and battle had taken its toll on the old Hero. The hero's face contorted in concentration and strain as he used his bare hands to make the 90 degree bends in the pipes.

The action took considerable effort, and after each one Brick Forge had to taken a moment to catch his breathe, and wipe his forehead off with a dirty beach towel that looked like a handkerchief in his large hands.

Cougi took the moment of rest to lift the protective goggles from his eyes. Which made a two rings of sute around his eyes. Looking over he saw Perran as he just started hooking in another bundle of pipes to the pulley lift.

"Heyo! Perran." Cougi yelled out cuping his slightly scaled hands around his mouth, and giving a wave when Perran turned his attention to him.

Brick Forge turned to look over at Perran too. His stoney textured face didn't change much upon seeing him except a slight downturn of his lip. He than turned back away to focus on catching his breathe.

Cougi however hoped down from his perch and headed over to Perran.

"Hey, how are you feeling? you kind of disappeared last night, Kazuki said you ran out because you weren't feeling good. Is that true?" He said this in a tone that hinted that he didn't really fully buy Kazuki's explanation.

"Yea, Had a little too much to drink."

"Did Kazuki make you drink?" His throat scales flared red with the anger in his voice.

"What?! No... No he didn't... Make me drink, I did it on my own... It was stupid I know. But I'm fine now."

Cougis eyes gave him a look over as to verify what Perran was telling him.

"Well you are here, that's better than I can say for Kazuki. Rocky Bastard drank himself stiff last night. Couldn't even stand on his own two feet. Nearly fell over on our waiter when he told him to leave And Kazuki got angry and tried to stand up and yell at him." A large smile crossed Cougis face.

"He fell over right then and there and blacked out. Who would've guessed anchol could break his Talent limit." Cougi let out a fiery laugh as small bursts of flame came out with ever chuckly.

"Hahahaha, serves him right."

"Is he alright?" Perran asked concerned. Which seemed to have caught Cougi off guard.

"What? Oh yea, yea he'll be fine. Probably just has one of the worst hangovers he's ever had right now. He's gonna get a worse one tomorrow once he has to deal with Brick Forges temper."

Break Forge gave an audible grunt at Cougis words meaning he did intend to give Kazuki some sort of consequence.

"Well I better get back to work now. But hey if you're interested maybe sometime later you and I can go get something to eat after work. I know a pretty good German Restaurant a few miles south. They make the best food in my humble opinion." Cougis mouth already looked like it was watering at the idea.

"Oh, ahh. sure Cougi sounds great, I'll let you know when I'm free." Perran replied politely. He was still a little hesitant to go. Considering how the last interaction went. It wasn't Cougis fault or even Kazukis, it was the events after all that that made him hesitate.

It always seemed he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

While he was relieved there wasn't any consequences to his actions last night, he didn't plan on doing that again anytime soon. Or ever for that matter.

Today all Perran wanted to do was work and go home.

But... Maybe in a few days he'd take Cougi up on his offer.

Satisfied with Perrans half hearted promise Cougi went back to work.

"Just text me the times!" He yelled back before pulling down his goggles again and started to heat one of the bars to red hot.


The work day was a a bit lighter than the usual, without Kazuki the bending process was much slower so there wasn't much to add to the piles. Tomorra and Jukis both worked a bit slower today too, it took them twice as long to load the days final shipment onto the truck. But once the final pipe was strapped down Brick Forge gave the announcement to start closing down.

Cougi moved to the furnace and began twisting multiple values to turn off the gas, And used his bare hand to scoop out loose metal bits from the forge. While most of the workers talents seemed to give them some sort of higher heat tolerance, Cougi seemed to have a full resistance to it. Holding the hot bit in his bare hand and throwing them into the waist bin didn't faze him one bit.

Perrans last task for the day was sweeping out the warehouse floor. He was relieved when Brick Forge gave him that one as its easy and he could use the broom to support his leg a little bit.

Everything was going fine until three hard and fast nocks came from the docking door. At first no one moved to the door.

"Probably just the building cooling down." said Tomora.

Three harder and faster nocks came again, the last one bending the door a bit. Leaving a deep imprint of a large pear of knuckles.

Tomora stood up and began moving towards the door, but was stopped by Brick Forge.

"Go home Tomora, I'll handle this."


"I told you to go home Tamora! I'll handle this" The look Brick Forge gave him seemed to hold the larger man inplace for a bit, he eventually bowed his head and did as brick forge had asked.

Brick Forge exited the buildings side door that was sized for larger humanoids, and disappeared for a few minutes.

Perran couldn't hear anything that was going on out there, and while he was cautiously curious he decided to just focus on his task so he could go home. Besides if anything bad was happening out there then Brick Forge could handle it, he was a retired hero after all and still as tuff as ever.

And it was because he was tuff that Brick Forge survived being thrown through his own docking door, slamming into multiple metal shelves and being buried in a avalanche of metal tubes and pipes.

The docking door was ripped clean off its track and was torn like a piece of paper.

The force from Brick Forges impact shot metal dust into the air making the whole warehouse foggy.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!!??" Yelled Tomora he ran quickly over to wear Brick Forge was buried. Perran and Cougi hesitantly took a few steps back.

From the entrance walked in a man twice the size of Brickforge. His eyes were a animalistic Yellow, Eyebrows that were thick and jagged. His body was bulky, all muscle.

"You missed your payments Brick Forge." His voice was deep, booming, and slow. He took a step forward and the shelves that hadn't fallen over yet shook with every step he took.

Each step of his steel clad boots left foot prints two inches deep into the once smooth concrete floor.

Similarly clad his four fists, yes four, Perran had to recount to be sure he wasn't seeing double. were incased in metal coverings, one his right hands a faint layer of tan colored dust coated his knuckle. And red blood was splattered on his body.

This was a villain attack.

Perrans mind froze, unable to process what was going on around him, no, not again, not again, please not again, not here.

"Perran we got to go now!" Cougi grabbed Perrans shoulder, he and hadn't realized he was even being dragged away.

"You're not going anywhere, scraps!" With the slow movament of a wrecking ball the villain slammed his double handed fist into some of the still standing shelfs, causing a domino affect of thosuands of tons of steel falling down, and it was heading right for them.

"Faster Perran!" Cougi tried to pull him along faster but Perran was just slowing him down.

He couldn't do this, he was gonna get him killed.

Perran tried to move but he was too exhausted, Cougi was almost dragging him at this point.

The collapsing steel shelfs got closer and closer, they weren't going to make it.

"MOVE IT!" Yelled Jukis as he charged the collasping wall of shelfs. Cougi leaped to the side and pulled Perran along with him onto the ground. Jukis caught the shelf with his arms and just barely prevented it from falling on them.

The metal strained from the weight of the shelves, and bolts began to snap in the shelving.
"G-get out of.-- HERE!" Jukis said through gritted teeth.

"Thanks Jukis!" Cougi said with relief in his voice.

"Save your yappin for the Heros... Call them... And get the egg shell out of here."

Jukis slowly began to lower the shelf, once Perran and Cougi were out of the way, he released it with a deafening crash.

"What about you?" Cougi asked, while hauling Perran back to his feet.

"Brick Forge and Tomora are still in here, I'm gonna get them." Jukis said, already heading to an unblocked section of the warehouse so he could do just that.

Cougi hesitated for a bit, muttering something about not having a damn hero license.

Instead of protesting to Jukis actions Cougi began leading Perran out of the building.

Exiting through the backdoor into the courtyard both Perran and Cougi began a coughing fit as they were finally able to get a unrestricted breath of fresh air.

Cougi hunched over on himself trying to steady himself, while Perran was on his hands and knees uncontrollably shaking.

Why, why did this have to happen now, was this his fault? Was the attack after him? Or just bad luck.

"Dawn it all!" Cougi said fire spewing out his mouth, drips of inflamed spit fell from his mouth. He held his cracked and broken phone in his hand
"Its completely busted! Perran do you have your phone? Perran?! Hey are you alright?"

Cougi kneeled down next to Perran, and gently shook him. Which seemed to break his spiral of concentration and brought him back to the here and now.

"Perran do you have your phone?" Cougi asked again.

He didn't, Perran tried to tell him, he opened his mouth but nothing would come out, instead he just hung his head and shook it.
"Okay..." Cougi combed his scaled hands through his hair, he looked back at the building. The sounds of fighting could be heard even from outside, the crash of each blow shook the thin aluminum walls that were never designed to take those kind of hits.

"Stay here Perran, Brick Forge keeps a landline in his office, I'll run up, call for help than come back, alright?" Perran didn't respond.

"Hey, if I'm not back in three minutes, leave. Don't stay here Perran its not safe for you." Cougi headed for the back entrance again, and slipped back inside.


Things just seemed to go from bad to worse. The metal forge, something made of some of the tuffest stuff that Cougi had ever seen was crumpled like a soda can. The villain was still at the other end of the warehouse, Tomora, had managed to dig Brick Forge out of the pile and now held him up over his shoulder. While Jukis seemed to be drawing most of the villains attention he looked almost as ruffed up as Brick Forge.

Cougi turned his attention back to is own task. Finding the landline. The floor was a mess of broken concrete, bent beams, and collapsed metal shelves dispersing their contents all over. It took some effort and careful foot placements to get through it and reach the stairs on the other side. Climbing the metal stairs to Brick Forges office he grabbed at the handle and tried to twist it, but it was locked.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Cougi and the rest didn't have time to deal with this. Using his talent, he pullled the heat up from deep inside and like a handheld torch started blowing a small controlled torch flame to the handle. It took a minute but eventually the handle melted off and the door finally swung open.

Cougi quickly began to make his way through the office, the table was a mess of piled up orders and Bills with big red words "OVER DUE".

Finally finding the phone tucked behind the computer monitor he lifted it up and started dialing the HPA hotline. It rang only once before Cougi heard someone pick up on the other end.

"Hero Protection Agency, What is your emergency?"

"We have a villain attacking our warehouse, he's attacking the workers. We are at Brick Forge Pipe Manufacturing Plant in Kishiwada please send help." Cougi didn't want to waste any time, the sooner active heros got here the better.

"Okay sir can you describe the villain so we can send the appropriate kind of hero."

"Uhh.. Huge, his has four hands, really strong..." Cougi couldn't think of any other descriptions that could be helpful.

"Okay sir, we are dispatching a hero group to your area, they should be there in-"

"Oh crap."

The villain held Jukis by the head now. His rocky skin was bloodied and cracked.

"Stay out of my way pebble" The villain turned and hurled Jukis right at the balcancy office, right at Cougi.

Goliath relished in the destruction he was causing. Blue hasn't let him rampage like this in so so long!

The only thing that could make this better is if some strong heros showed up for him to fight now that would make this a great day!

But for now he'd have to settle with those here to entertain him.

The old hero Blue sent him out to fight, wasn't as fun as he had initially hoped. Just one blow from him sent him flying through a wall. Goliath couldn't really remember why Blue at sent him in the first place, he agreed to the assignment as soon as Blue said he'd get to fight.

The other tough skinned one put up more of a fight.

He ran out around him making all sorts of a ruckus after he had pushed over some of the shelves on the little ones.

Were they his friends? Goliath hoped so, people usually fought more when you attacked those..

The tough skinned one tried to hit him with some of the beams and pipes that laid scattered around the now dilapidated building. But each blow he made against goliaths skin only bent them.

Goliath was the toughest there was! He raised his two massive arms, clenched all four steel covered hands and slammed them into the ground, it sent out a satisfying explosion of concrete and rubble.

The tuff one lost his footing and was thrown back. Goliath then reached out his hands and gripped him with all four hands. The tuff one fought and pulled at his confinement but Goliath's grip was stronger.

"Let's see how tuff you really are." Goliath questioned out loud.

He began to tighten his grip. And the tough one kicked harder in his iron grip, tighter Goliath squeezed until the man let out a cry of pain as some of his rock-like skin began to crack.

Goliath frowned when the yelling suddenly stopped. Goliath lessened his grip and held the limp body of the tuff one by his head.

"Hmrrr done already..." Goliath said disappointment in his voice.

Blue had told him not to kill anyone here. But he couldn't stop now. Not when he hadn't had a good fight in years!

"I want more!!!" Goliath snarled at the unconscious tuff one, when he didn't respond. His anger only grew.

Weaklings, that's all that were here!

The sound of footsteps on metal turned Goliath's attention away from the disappointment in his hand and towards the back of the building.

One of the little ones had been trying to sneak off. Hiding in the small metal and glass box.

Goliath looked back at the tuff one he held in his hand, when a thought occurred to him.

If he attacked the little ones again, maybe more would come to fight them.

"Yes, bring more!!"

Goliath turned back to the metal box, and with all his strength. He threw the rock man like... Well a rock, right at the metal box that exploded in a satisfying collapse.


"BRING THEM TO ME!!!" Bellowed the villain's loud voice, not even slightly muffled from the metal walls. Just moments prior, something exploded out the back of the building. Collapsing almost the entire back wall. Where Perran knew where Brick Forge's office once stood.

"C-cougi..." Perrans stifling fear was now replaced with worry.

Cougi was in there, he could be hurt. Perran pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the pain of his bad leg he began running to the now open back section of the building. Ignoring the warnings in his head before they had a chance to lock him in place again.

He couldn't just stand by, he had to do something now! He pressed his body against the thoughts that had locked him down before, and at night he was at the bar.

Perran turned the corner with practiced caution. Peaking around all the destruction he saw the giant villain was picking up entire shelves of metal work and bending them like they were paper clips. If he was doing that then where was Jukis?

He didn't see Brick Forge or Tomora either. Had they all gotten out already? Was Cougi even in here anymore? Was he about to charge in here blindly with no reason to be.

He honestly hoped that was the case. He cautiously moved into the building using one of the larger chunks of wall as a hiding spot. He looked to the overhang office that now was a pile of broken beams, scattered paper, and broken furniture.

Perran was just about to leave back out the back when he didn't see anyone until a small patch of red skin was seen sticking out between some of the metal beams.

Cougi was still in there. And he was trapped.

Perran didn't waste what little time both of them had and began to move slowly through the metal scraps. It was like climbing through an oversized kids playset. Except full of broken glass. Perran was grateful he hadn't removed his thick leather gloves or leather coat yet from work; it provided excellent protection from all the sharp edges, allowing him to move a little quicker through the hazards.

Perran winced however, every time his boots crushed some glass under his weight.

But it seemed the Villain was too occupied with his mindless destruction at the other end of the building to notice so far.

Perran moved to the top of the pile and found Cougi under the metal beams that had once been the window panel. He was buried pretty deep with only his scaled hand sticking up just high enough for him to see it.

"cougi... cougi!...." Perran tried to rouse him. He stuck his arm down into the pile but could only reach Cougis' shoulder. He shook him a few times before Cougi let out a cough of dust, the second one burst with some flame as his talent reactivated.

Perran had to flinch away from the burst or else lose his eyebrows.

"Gah kah! Kah! W-what happened?" Cougi tried to move but the metal around him had sealed him in, he could barely even move his head.

"Cougi, are you alright?" Asked Perran, he wanted to make sure he wasn't too injured because that could just worsen the injuries.

"P-perran?... Perran?! What are you doing here? Are the heros here?" Cougis voice seemed to grow with strength as he came more around. He looked around his confinements and tried to move, but he was almost entirely pinned in place.

Perran knew he wasn't gonna get out of there without some serious strength.

When Cougi finally realized his predicament his head layd back down against the ruble.

"Well, that's not good."

"Are you alright?"

"I-I think so, I haven't had my limit break since high school. My head is still a little foggy."

"Can you use your talent?"

Cougi looked up through the twisted metal pretzel that was laying on top of him, he thought about Perrans question and realized he felt cold. He felt the cold night air on his skin which gave him goosebumps. Something he hadn't experienced in years.

"My fire is still out... It took a few minutes for it to return before I could use it again the last time this happened."

Perran nodded his head and began to look around again. Cougi wasn't sure what he was doing up there.

Pressed against the ground Cougi could feel the villain's footsteps, big heavy thumps shifted the metal on him just slightly. It began to press down on him a bit harder.

If the villain was still out there than Perran was still in danger, he shouldn't be here. If Cougi had been slower and quieter he might have been able to call for help, and Perran would be safely outside. He couldn't let Perran get hurt or worse, without a Talent limit that villain would tear him apart like he did to that door.

"P-Perran..." It was a bit harder to speak now as the metal was pressing on his chest.

"I-I didn't get to finish the call... The hero's won't come in time... You need to get out of here...."

But Perran didn't react like he heard him, his head was still moving from side to side, looking for something but Cougi wasn't sure what.

"Perran! There's nothing you can do, you gotta get to safety!"

Once again ignoring him Perran turned around and even through the rubble Cougi could see an Idea appear on his face.

"Hold on cougi, I might know how to get you out."

"Perran No!" But Perran disappeared from the opening without another word and Cougi heard him make his way through the metal.

Damn it, sometimes he thought Perran didn't fully grasp that he was talentless. Working in a place like this was evident enough of that.

Cougi tried to jumpstart his fire inside him. Perhaps now that he was older he could start using his talent a lot sooner now. He tried to let out a fire breath but only a few sparks and heat comparable to a hair dryer left his mouth. He kept trying desperately over and over, each time feeling the temperature increase slightly, and his body began to heat up.

This was gonna take awhile.

Perran saw what he needed to get Cougi out from under the rubble, the only problem was that the ceiling winch wasn't attached to the ceiling anymore.

The large rolled up cable box laid in a heap on the ground just outside the large rubble pile that the office made. He took his time moving over to it, using the more solid pieces to step on and using the now bent and broken forge as cover.

The Giant Villain still was tearing each shelf apart piece by piece, and throwing the carnage through the walls. Most of the other side of the forge looked very similar to the collapsed wall section Perran was at.

He wouldn't have long before he made his way back over to this section.

Perran grabbed the metal box and cursed under his breath when he grabbed at the electrical cable to the box. Two large black and red cables frayed and cut stuck out.

If only you had a electrical talent.

The thought was mocking, and almost made Perran give up on his original idea. If this plan was a dead end, then he'd have to think of something else. There was no way he could pull any of that metal work off Cougi. Maybe Brick Forge and Tomora could, but he wasn't sure where they were. He hoped they were safe, and getting help, but that only left him...

But perhaps the villain could help instead....

Cougi was now gasping for air, the constant taking deep breaths and blowing as hard as he could only made him even more light headed. But on that last one his flame did last a bit longer. The tongue-like shape of it licked the edges of one of the beams with his fire and turned it red hot.

Cougi had to rest, less he risked breaking his limit again and passing out.

He still felt the villains step every now and again. Each heart stopping thump makes him fear the next one will finally cause everything to fall down around him and crush him under all the weight.

When Perran didn't come back for a few minutes, he assumed that he had taken his warning and gotten out of there. Leaving him alone.

Cougi was scared.

He's experienced villain attacks before, but heros always showed up just in time. Why weren't they here now? Surely the call and the sudden hang up should have led to some urgency. Cougi wasn't sure how long he'd been out for, but it was no shorter than five minutes. What would happen if they didn't come at all? Was he really gonna die here?

He rested for what felt like a few minutes before returning to his own efforts to free himself. It wasn't like him to just sit around and do nothing. This next breath was much brighter and glowed a white almost blue hue. The bar that pinned his arm to the ground began to glow red hot, and after a few seconds of continual exposure to his heat, began to glow brighter than he'd ever seen before.

Cougi decided to risk it and push him limits, he strained his fire and throat, constricting the flame to a more concentrated flow. It took a few minutes but eventually the metal began to warp from the heat. But it wasn't enough to get his arm free, so he continued to blow at the same spot until, to his own amazement, the beam began to melt.

"Haha!... Cough.. Cough... Ah,, I don't believe it! I can melt steel!!" Brick Forge never let him go as hot as he could, told him to always conserve his strength for endurance over temperature. He also said he's never seen a fire breath talent users ever reach the temperatures required to metal through steel, not even amongst heroes.

I guess the three years of continual use of my talent at this job caused an adaptation. Cougi thought happily to himself.

It took a few minutes and painful movements, but he was able to get his right arm free. The molten slag from the now sliced pipe dripped and cooled around him.

He moved to start working on his other arm when a familiar face appeared over him.

"Perran?! Why are you still here?"

Cougis worries redoubled now as he realized Perran hadn't done what he said to and just left him.

"I know how to get you out... Oh you got your arm out, that's great! Here, tie this around the biggest metal beam." Promptly ignoring Cougis words, again, Perran began lowering down what Cougi recognized as the winch cable Perran used to lift all the pipes onto their shelfs.

Cougi couldn't help but let out a laugh of relief. "Not a bad idea Perran, that thing can lift easily twice this thing's weight, it'll take me out in no time." For the first time since being trapped Cougi started to feel some hope again.

Perrans mouth curled down slightly, before going back to a smile. But Cougi caught it.

"W-whats the matter?" Cougi probed, hoping that maybe he just misjudged Perrans' expression.

"Um.. well the winch isn't really.. 'Working'... But don't worry I have another idea."

"What other idea?"

"The villains gonna pull you out instead." Perran said with a smile that seemed more uncertain than Cougi would have wanted to see.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" Cougi asked. Perran couldn't be suggesting getting the villains help to pull him out was he?

"Just stay put, err.. I guess you don't have a choice... Anyways, once the cable goes tight, and you feel it start to lift, you'll need to move fast. The right side has the least rubble so that should be the easiest way out."

"Wait Perran you can't seriously be thinking of getting close to the Villian!! He'll kill you!"

Perrans face disappeared from the opening. But Cougi heard Perran say something before leaving.

"I already have experience."

Perran moved back to the cable box for the winch. Grabbing a bent metal pipe he pried it open. The rolled up cables were coiled around a rod. Reaching in he tried to lift the bundle of cables, but only managed to move a few of the strands.

"Gahhh! that's like two hundred pounds of cables.." Perran was already out of breath just trying to move what he could.

He was hoping to hold the whole thing to wrap around the villains legs, but now seeing that was a stupid idea, Perran had to change his strategy a bit.

Instead of grabbing the whole thing he found the end where it connected to the rod, and began uncoiling it from the other end. When he had about fifty pounds of cord he slung the bundle over his shoulder like a backpack made of metal.

The weight of the cables were digging into his shoulder and neck and the uneven strands made it hard to move quietly as he stumbled often, but luckily the villain's aggravation only seemed to make him louder and less aware of his surroundings.

Alright, here goes nothing.

Perran moved away from the safe cover of his hiding spot and moved to the backside of the villian. The sheer size of the man made Perran stop for a few moments, Making him really start to consider the risks of his plan.

The villain began to turn to the side where Perran was, Perran quickly limped to stay behind the villain, his slow but heavy movements were easy to predict and didn't cause much trouble to stay in his blind spot.

Perran held the cable tight in his hands now, He only had a few feet left, if this didn't wrap around he'd have to risk going back to loosen more. Watching the villain's movements from behind he waited for him to lift up another pile of pipes before moving in. The villain raised his hands above his head and began crushing the pipes like paper. Twisting and snapping them. All while muttering in his deep voice.

"Heros... Not HERE!.... I destroy stuff.... And they should come... Why aren't they here?!..."

Perran moved forward with as much speed he could manage. He ran in-between his legs and by looking up, just barely moved out of the way intime as one of the broken off parts of a shelf fell and landed with a loud clattering that hurt his ears.

The villain's head was still focused upward, so Perran moved more to his front and wrapped the cable over the villain's metal boot.

He made it back to his back side and was prepared to go for another loop when the cable went tight, with a loud Thwankkkkk as it tightened and hit the metal debris scattered across the floor.

The room suddenly became very silent.

Perran's whole body froze, as he felt something shift behind him.

His head turned slowly, an involuntary action but he couldn't stop himself as he gazed back and up at the monstrous smile that looked down at him.

"Found you..." The villain said, each word filled with malice intent.

Perran swallowed hard. The crushing grip he'd been fighting off this whole time now ceased his entire body once more, locking him in place, in the sight of the monster that was now, most likely going to kill him.

"Finally.... Now they will send the heros for me to fight!"

The villain reaches out its double handed arm. Each fist about half the size of Perran.

Move, Move, Move! You have to move!

Don't. Move.

The thoughts in his mind contradict each other. An argument he didn't even feel he was a part of.

The hands approached slowly, everything felt like it was going in slow motion.

His own memories flashed in his mind, being in a similar situation years back, a repeat of the past.

He just wanted to help, he wanted to save... Cougi... Cougi was still in here!

Move! Move! Duck!!

Perran let his bad leg buckle under his own weight. The hands missed him only by the span of a few inches.

Falling to the side, he tucked and rolled under the cable and holding the other end of it wrapped it around. Tying the fastest knot he could think of.

"Grahhh! Stop moving and die!" The villain's hands moved again towards him, their immense size blocking out the lights over Person's head.

Perran quickly began crawling in-between the villain's leg and moved to his back side again. Trying to stay in his blindspot.

"Grahaha!!! Get back here!" The villain turned looking for Perran but just got angrier when he didn't see him.

Goliath hated being fooled! Why couldn't anyone just fight like he did! Head on.

In his anger he began stomping his foot like a child, sending huge chunks of ground and dust into the air.


Brick Forge watched and heard the tantrum the villain was having inside the remains of his building.

His old muscles tenses at the invitation to a fight he was demanding. A hero, a hero is what he wanted, but a hero was not what Brick Forge was. Not anymore, he retired.

He held a hand over his bloodied and cracked chest. Breathing was still difficult, but Tamora's quick actions of tying his torn shirt around his chest had stopped the bleeding somewhat, but he would still need to see a doctor soon, preferably a talent user with some sort of healing ability. But even with that, his body just didn't heal like it used to.

Tomora had run off to find a phone to call for some new and fresh heros to come and help. That should sooth the villains' wants. All Brick Forge had to do was sit this one out.

Tomora returned not too long later, out of breath and bending over placing his hands on his knees he gasped out.

"I-- gahh... I got the call out.... Heros should be here.... Gahhh... soon."

"Good work... Tomora." Brick Forge coughed a few times from just trying to speak.

Out of all his workers Brick Forge liked Tomora the most. He did what he asked and always gave it his all. Not to mention he was smart, and his talent was very similar to his. Unlike Kazuki or Jukis who had rock skin, Tomoras skin was more of a dark clay like his. Perfect for the heat, and didn't scrape the metal like the others did.

He would have given the company to him if he stuck around long enough.... But now... now he had nothing.

That damn Blue... he was gonna... He'd...

Brick Forge let out another sigh, watching the villain continually tear the building apart, he burst through one of the walls. Bellowing a roar like a wild animal.

What could he do? He was an old geezer, well past his prime, who just lost his only source of income. He wasn't sure how things could possibly get worse for him.

And then, in the dust and debris, he saw him. Perran. Holding his arm, and running for his life from the villian.

"That's Perran!!" exclaimed Tomora.

That Talentless IDIOT! Brick Forge thought.

And just like that, things got worse.

Perran held his broken arm close to his body. And did his best to not trip as he ran for his literal life.

While the cable was tied around the villain's leg, there was another 20-40 feet of cable still wrapped up around where Cougi was buried that needed to be pulled tight before Cougi could escape.

So Perran did what he could and tried leading the villain into the work yard, where Brick Forge kept the much larger orders and piles. It was a big dirt patch with metal struts usually used for building skyscrapers or other large construction. These piles were stacked almost as high as a three story building. Even towering over the villain's two story height.

"YOU CAN'T ESCAPE ME!! I WILL CRUSH YOU INTO NOTHING!!" The villain todeled towards him, his heavy bulky frame slowing him down, but his long stride more than made up for his lack of dexterity. Perran felt each steel boot crash just a few feet behind him, each step the angered villain took.

The ground and the tall piles shook from each step.

Perran couldn't keep the pace for much longer, but he had to keep going, he had to ensure he got Cougi out at least. He just needed to keep going, just for a bit longer.

"I'LL KILL YOU-!" The monster's threats were cut short as the cable around his foot finally tightened again with a metallic Thwankkkk and caught his foot.

The villain with all his strength and rage pulled his leg with such force that the ruble Cougi had been under was torn up and away from the pile, and sent crashing through another one of the walls.

Perran couldn't see if Cougi was able to get out because the villain was now charged towards Perran now. Anger twisting his face into a more horrifying version. The murderer's smile is now replaced with bared teeth. And bulging veins.


The villain twisted back, curled up his fingers into two fists and took a swing at the ground where Perran was standing. Perran broke from his previous pattern of running in a straight line to maximize the cable spreading, now not having to worry about the cable Perran began to limp through the maze of piles of steel beams in an attempt to have the villain lose sight of him.

But the Villain in his charging rage just continued to gain on Perran. Every corner Perran turned the villain ran straight into it and toppled the pile of beams. Snapping their stabilization cord, which were designed to withstand strong winds and earthquakes like a thin cord of twine.

Very quickly Perrans options of escape were running out. Each escape route he moved to the villain blocked with another toppled pile.

There was only one way left Perran saw as a potential escape.

Between two of the largest towers was a small tight gap he might be able to squeeze through, so with as much haste as he could muster he moved for it.

"I WON'T LET YOU HIDE!!" The villain yelled, he was slowed by the mess of steel beams he had made, but with little ease he cleared his way through it.

Perran reached the gap and had to take a deep breath to pull in his chest a bit to just barely squeeze between the sharp metal edges. His broken arm was painfully pulled through the gap, unable to support it with his other arm it hung limply behind him as he took each slow slide step. A heavy metal punch from the villain sent Perran through the widening gap as the two piles slid sideways.

Perran was sent flying to the ground on the other side. his body did a barrel roll and he had the wind knocked out of him. Perran struggled to breathe again. His chest felt like a massive weight was keeping his lungs from working. Painfully he managed to roll on to his side and he wrapped his arm around his chest. His side was cut with a deep gash and his shirt was stained red.

Looking towards his exit. He saw the villain's gaze peering down at him through the slit. Where he had been a few moments ago was now a twisted mess of metal, concave in from the giant's massive fists.

There wasn't anything Perran could really do now except lay there.

In an odd sense Perran didn't really feel scared anymore. He did what he hoped to and freed Cougi. He also managed to stall the villain long enough that maybe police or heros would show up to save the rest.

A dark ring began to form around Perrans vision. The exhaustion and pain had finally caught up to him, and all Perran could do was curl up on the ground, and wait.

As his adrenaline rush began to dwindle Perran felt the cold breeze of the night touch his skin and face. He could smell the not so distant shore. It was rather nice. But the cooling sensation was suddenly overpowered by an intense heat.

"p----ran!---" Someone was talking.

"Ar------ k?------ Pe---an?"

Perran had to force his eyes open, it took a lot of effort.

Near one of the piles that still blocked the villain, he saw a red scaled person with a bright light emanating from his mouth. Heat poured from that way, so hot that Perran felt he was laying right next to the forge.

He blinked his eyes a few times to clear his vision.

Cougi stood next to the wall, and was blowing a blowtorch with a thin blade of fire on one of the steel stabilizing cables for the pile.

Perran wanted to tell him to leave, but his mouth wouldn't open. He was still struggling to even breathe. Each breath was painful and restricted.

Cougi maintained the flame on the cable for a few more moments until the cable melted and snapped upward with crashing Twang! as it shut upward and retracted back into the main hub. Cougi moved on the other cable and likewise blew on it until it followed suit and shut upward, melted at the holding bolt.

The tall tower creaked as the opposing straps on the side of the villain, now no longer being pulled back into alignment, began to tilt dangerously backwards over the villain.

Cougi moved to the second pile and repeated the process. While the Villian on the other side continued to try to claw his way through to him and Cougi. The punch he had delivered early, while it had opened the gap wider on Perrans end, had almost sealed it on the villains. Only allowing some of his fingers through.

Perran couldn't understand what the villain was yelling. It had devolved into just angry grunts and threats mixed with spit.

Cougi continued his work, ignoring the threats of the villain and snapped another cord. Perran watched as Cougi stumbled over to the last cable. He had to place his hand on the wall, and his shoulders moved up and down as he tried to catch his breath.

After a few deep breaths. Cougi shook his head and proceeded to produce another white hot flame from his mouth.

The last cable took longer to melt, but Cougi managed to sever it from its holding. When the cable sored upward and collided with its holding box it rung like a bell, then the whole work yard fell silent.

The only sounds Perran could hear was that of rusling dirt as Cougi slowly backed away, and the sound of Steel creaking.

The towers waved back and forth. But with each tip they leaned further back towards the opposite direction of Perran and Cougi.

The villain seemingly unaware of the danger over his head. Gave the two tower piles another double fisted punch to their bases.

Which was what finally caused their collapse.

The two piles, the tallest in all the yard, once standing three stories tall, now tumbled downwards, their massive steel beams crushing the villain under their weight and an explosion of dirt.

When Perran closed his eyes he found he was unable to open them again. He felt someone grab him however.

A strong stone like grip that had been worn down from age.


BrickForge cursed himself as he rushed towards the collapsing towers. Cougi laid unconscious on the ground a few feet away from Perran.

Fools both of them! Acting like they were some heros. They didn't know what real hero work was like. It wasn't all glamor and show, it left its mark on you. But in some Ironic realization BrickForge guessed he wasn't a hero anymore either. He'd been retired for five years now. He shouldn't even be in the area of an active villain attack.

Nevertheless he grabbed them both by the collars of their shirts and hauled them out as the piles fell not only on the villain, burying him under 200 tons of months of hard work. But also fell back towards them.

If Brick Forge hadn't intervened then they both would have died, Talent Limit or not.

He stopped running when he was certain he was clear of the collapse. It took some time but when the dust settled Brick Forge didn't see the villain get back up. He couldn't even see him at all in the mess of steel beams.

His once well organized work yard looked like an entire building collapsed. Leaving only a mess of jangled metal.

Brick Forge felt one of them start to stir in his grasp, Perrans head moved up slightly and moved side to side as he tried to figure out what had happened.

Brick Forge leaned Cougi's unconscious body against the fence, he knew he was fine, just had some cuts and bruises, but his limit break wont allow him to wake up for some time. But Perran on the other hand... He was coming to his senses quite quickly. What Brick Forge was gonna do next had to be quick. Perran was a problem that needed to be dealt with.

With not as much caution as he had shown to Cougi, Brick Forge let Perran go and dropped him to the ground.

Talentless fool let out a painful gasp as he contorted on the ground.

"Look at what you've done." Brick Forge couldn't hold the edge back in his voice now.

"Brick Forge?... Where..."

"Everything. Everything I worked for was Gone! Because of you!" Brick Forge turned away from him as he truly began to survey what remained of his life's work.

The insurance company would cover the warehouse, yes. But the large steel order for the new multi housing tower being built in Niigata lay in ruin. That order was the only chance Brick Forge had to pull this company out of the red, and maybe pay off his debts.

His Damn Debts...

Brick Forge heard Perran struggle to stand up behind him. In a quiet yet firm tone Brick Forge had never heard Perran used before he spoke back to him.

"I-- Was-- Helping.-- Cougi."

"Help.... Is this what you think helping is Perran?! Your idiotic self sacrifice cost me the one chance I had to turn my life around!"

Brick Forge turned back to face him, the action made Perran shrink back and hunch in on himself, grasping his arm close to his chest.

"I--- I just want to help..." Perran said in a much lower and defeated tone.

"Help?! Like some Hero? Is that how you see yourself Perran?! Some brave hero ready to risk his life to save someone. Well Perran you're not! You know why?! Because heros have talents, and talent they can use in a fight and limits that protect them!" Brick Forge pounded his fist into his bloodied chest, to emphasize his point.

"You don't have that protection, all you do is put yourself at risk, where anyone else would be fine. Your body simply is simply to frail to handle it."

"B-but Cougi.. was in danger. he could have died."

Brick Forges anger was rising. What wasn't this kid getting?

"Perran! Cougi is strong, his body survived what would have killed you. The only reason your even alive right now was because Cougi had to come and save you by sacrificing my companies profits! The job wasn't even the worse part, you are talentless Perran the legal ramifications from this will ruin me!"

"W-what?" Perran asked his eyes going wide now.

"In order for a company to hire a talentless person 'legally' the company has to have a specialized and expensive insurance to cover any potential medical injuries that the talentless person will incur while working a job that someone with a talent wouldn't get. I never got that insurance, Perran, I couldn't afford it, but I let that damn Hikari talk me into doing a favor for him by hiring you. I thought putting you on inventory would keep you out of trouble, but I guess you were a disaster just waiting to happen."

Brickforge placed his hands on a large container and his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"It was a mistake to let you work here."

"I-I...." Perran didn't know what he was hoping to get out of his actions tonight, deep down maybe he did because he thought Brick Forge would see him more than just a talentless worker. He had heard words like this his whole life. Everyone tried to protect him, always treated him like he was made of glass. Had he really gotten so blinded by trying to prove that he's not as fragile as everything thinks that he really didn't think about what would happen if he got hurt at work?

He peered at his broken arm and cuts. Maybe he could hide them like the other times? But that wouldn't help with the damage he had inadvertently caused. Perran wasn't thinking when leading the villain through the large piles, he was just trying to get Cougi free, and escape the villain. He didn't mean to cause all this damage. He shouldn't have done anything, he messed everything up.

"I'm... Sorry Brick Forge.... I... Guess I wasn't thinking... I-" Brick Forge raised his hand up signaling Perran to stop talking.

"For once Perran do everyone a favor and just leave and don't let anyone see you go. You'll just make it worse for us. I'll just tell the police you had the day off.... And Perran. Don't come back."

Brick Forge began walking back to the police line that had formed around the remains of his destroyed factory. He heard some slight shuffling from behind him. At first he thought it was Perran following him back to the line. He had hoped his words would have been enough to finally drive off that nuisance, but clearly he still didn't get it.

Brick Forge turned around again, ready to chew the kid out again. But when he turned back, Perran wasn't there. The only sign he had ever been there was a trail of small drops of red blood leading to the fence line.

Brick Forge let out a heavy breath like a bull as if to say good radiance, taking one last precaution, he kicked the sand over the blood trail.

Blood Bee stood on the top of a residential building across the streets from the absolute shit show of what was her first solo assignment from Blue. How did things come to this? A simple intimidation to a alley way murder, and destruction of an entire factory and who knows how many casualties. It all spiraled out of control so quickly.

At first it was the spineless squid guy who tried to betray them and warn Brick Forge of the attack before it happened, as if a traitor in their organization wasn't bad enough. If he hadn't called another informant he didn't know was also working for Grave Blue for help hadn't told her what he was planning then things probably would have been even worse.

But that's not what happened, she took care of him personally. She wasn't sure why he had chosen to try to save this particular hero now of all times, it was pour timing for him to lose faith in what Grave Blue was trying to accomplish. Maybe she should have asked him before injecting him with enough of her venom to kill a elephant... oh well.

But the other mistake tonight was hiring that double fisting numbskull for this job! Her wings beat in irritation as she glared daggers down at the now buried waste of money.

She had thought bringing in such a giant and intimidating client of theirs would scare the old crusty retired hero into paying his debt to them. But apparently years of getting his head knocked around playing hero must of messed his brain up so bad he didn't have a lick of commons sense left in that skull of his. Seriously She never would have expected him to antagonize Yontsunote into a fight.

And sure Yontsunote was kinda known for having a insatiable desire to fight heros. But she had thought he wouldn't even be interested in fighting an old man, let alone go on a murder spree on the other randoms who were unfortunately still working this late. She had thought he'd been alone by now.

But now seeing the useless destruction he caused during his tantrum. She would be lucky if Blue didn't kick her out back onto the streets for this, Though Meredith probably wouldn't let Blue do that to her, she wasn't gonna start thinking she was going to come out of this without some punishment.

"I could hear you buzzing from a block away BB. If you don't stop your wings fluttering you're gonna get the heros attention." Came a voice all to failmilary grating to Blood Bee.

She let out a irritated grunt. She didn't buzz.

"Ahh.. I see things are going as I had predicted they would."

Tau, with his talent launched himself across the gap of the buildings and landed next to her in a gust of wind.

"What are you doing here Tau? This is my assignment Blue gave me."

"Yes this is, Your assignment, and judging by how things have gone I'd say its a good thing I decided to get involved. I finished cleaning up your little, mess you left back in the alleyway BB. You know he still had a note on him that was a warning for Brick Forge. If I hadn't got that it would have tied him back to us as an informant."

BB's antena twitched as she mentally kicked herself for making yet another mistake tonight, but she wasn't gonna show any of her own embarrassment to Tau. Showing that would make her look weak. Instead she tried to justify her actions.

"It wouldn't have been a problem we have more then one informant." BB said flatly.

"After all, we still got you." She said not really hiding the sneer in her tone.

"Yes, we do, and you should be grateful for it. It's a shame I can't say the same about you sis."

"And what's that supposed to mean?" BB turned away from the mess of her handy work and glared now at Tau. Who was now walking to the backside of the building. If he was wanting a fight than she'd be more than willing to do it if it gave her the chance to prove to him how capable she really was.

Tonight's events were just a flook. She'd never fail this badly ever again, next time she'll bring even more and stronger clients with her!

"Blue trusted me with this! He believes in me! Why can't you!"

Tau didn't respond right away, instead he played with the button on his blue police shirt for a bit before letting out a breath like he was talking to a misbehaving child. Which only angered BB even more.

"What you think I'm not strong enough to do this is that it!" BB approached Tau with her stinger arm cross against her chest and glared back at him. An open invite for a fight.

But Taus own eyes just showed disappointment.

"Our line of work requires more than just raw strength and a fancy talent BB. There are delicate balances that we have been carefully changing for years. Each bribe, each intimidating visit, and every assassination has been planned out meticulously to the last detail. Did you even plan any of this?" Tau gestured behind back to the ruins of the building.

"Grave Blue is more than just a mindless gang of street thugs with strength enhanced talent users. We are far more than that. And if you haven't realize that after all these years, then you're gonna end up like that good for nothing Yontsunote across the street. Defeated, and left behind by the rest of us." Tau turned away and without another word opened his palms out flat and launched himself forward and away on to the next building, and then the next, quickly disappearing into the night.

Leaving BB alone with her temper boiling over, her fist clenched and stinger dripping with venom.

She wasn't gonna be left behind! She was going to prove herself, no matter what it took.

"I won't fail again."


---- Hikari's House 1:57AM---

Jacob pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to blink the tiredness away from his eyes. He didn't expect to be up this late still, looking at the clock it was almost 2 AM. he had to be up for school in four hours. So reluctantly he closed his notes for the next session of T, T & T. Most of the notes were on Obsidian dragons. He had written pages and pages of world building details like where they usually nested, what their alignment was, and what their goals were. From what he found in the official guide book they were described as fearsome but brittle creatures. Their obsidian scales made them weak against any type of physical attack, but they made up for it with intelligence and magic. Obsidian dragons were some of the only ones to ever ambush their prey. Their black scales allowed them to seamlessly blend in with the night sky. Their slick black wings allowed them to glide for miles without making a single sound. And There were even some cases where these types of dragons would use magic to mimic the pattern of the stars on their scales to help them blend in even more! The more Jacob read about them the more excited he got! They were just so freakin cool!

He was also excited for character building this new fight will do for Kasais character. Kasai made a character very similar to himself jacob had noticed. A frost paladin. Reirrick Stonefeets backstory talked about how his hometown was burned down by a black dragon. hopefully this tie in with Kaisis character backstory will help him get move involved of the roleplaying part of the game rather than always just waiting for a fight to start. Jacob figured that this Obsidian dragon would be a good pair up with him and make for a interesting fight too.

Cheeky he was also excited to pull this up against Perran. Obsidian dragons weren't evil aligned like the necromancer was, so his Monk wont be able to ability stack his holy damage buffs against it. Everything was almost ready.

Jacob was just so excited about it! Sure he'd be regretting it in his early morning Physics class tomorrow, but it will be worth it!

He let out a big yawn as he finished putting all his notes into his folder that was well past its paper holding limits and was only being held together by a make shift duck tape latch with velcro. Standing up and turning off the reading lamp in the living room he started heading upstairs towards his bedroom.

The old worn out stairs creaked under each footstep, about half way up he slowed his pace not waiting to wake anyone up from him finally going to bed. But at the top of the stairs Jacob noticed he wasn't the only one who wasn't asleep yet.

"Perran? What are you doing up so late?" Jacob recognized Perrans height in the darkness, the only one in the family who was taller was Dad, on account of his talent making him a bit taller than average.

Jacob hadn't noticed Perran come home, usually he came home around 10PM, but the last two nights he's been out way later than he ever has before. And he never got a chance to ask him.

Perran turned to Jacob in the dark, half his body was still behind the small closet door. while hard to make out it looked like he was still in his work uniform. A half cut thick leather jacket Perran told him protected him from the heat of the forge, his pear of boots which he was still wearing inside, which was something he never does.

"Perran? What are you doing in the medicine cabinet?" Jacob asked again cautiously. Perran hadn't responded to his initially question. Though Jacob was certain he had seen and heard him. Was he alright, did something happen at work?

Before jacob could stop it his Talent appeared beside him, pointing all these things out, a perfect recreation of Perran still in his uniform. It was still dark so Jacob would bet Perran couldn't see it but nevertheless he still swatted it away with his hand. He had to get better control of it if he ever wanted to be a hero.

Perrans head moved to the side for a bit from the motion, before turning back to the closet and then down at the floor. His breathing sounded... quick. Jacob was about to ask him a question again, but Perran finally spoke.

"I'm fine Jacob, I just got a headache that's keeping me up."

Perrans cheery voice was almost jolting to Jacob in the dark, a stark contract from how he was looking.

"Sorry I didn't disturb you from your notes did I?"

"My what?... Oh right yea my notes, yea they're.. nothing, just some notes for this weekends session." Jacob responded.

So Perran had seen him working on his notes, so he must have walked past him while he was buried in his books and didn't realize it.

Perhaps he was looking into things too much. He did have that problem sometimes. But something... Something still felt off. And Jacob couldn't shake the feeling.

Without much thought Jacob blurted out his question. " Why are you still wearing your work clothes?"

Perrans head tilted to the side at that question. He then looked down as if noticing he was still wearing his gear. he placed his right hand on the jacked and clenched it.

"oh... i guess I forgot to take it off before leaving..." Perran turned away from jacob, Closing the medicine door. He was walking back to his room but again something was.. Off. Perran always walked with somewhat of a limp but even in the dark Jacob could see he was more dragging his leg then walking on it.

"Perran... did... Did something happen at work today?"

The question stopped Perran, and the two of them stayed in a awkward stalemate of silence for what felt like an eternity. Three times he heard Perran take a breath as if about to say something but then he'd let the air back out.

The silence and hesitation was all Jacob needed to know that that something did happen but what. Why was his limp worse? Was he hurt? Was he being overworked? Should he get mom and dad? He should probably get them, they'll know what to do.

Jacob started to turn back down the stairs to go wake up their parent but stopped when Perran spoke again.

"I-..." Perrans voice broke the silence like shattinger glass. For the first time Jacob can remember Perrans voice sounded. Broken. But it was only for a moment. Perran strained his back with a muffled grunt, and took a breathe again as if to reaffirm himself again.

"I... Quit...." Was all Perran said.

"You... Quit your job?..." Jacob asked, trying to make sure himself that he wasn't so tired that he misheard Perran.

"Yea... I... couldn't do it.... you all were right. I couldn't handle it..."

Perran continued down the hall to his room, his limp was forced into a steady walk which caused Perran to give out a short exhale each step.

"Perran that's not what I...."

"It's alright Jacob" Perran cut him off. he placed his hand on the door and rested his head against it. Letting out a large sigh that made him seem more tired than Jacob was.

"i know you meant well by it. I really do."

"No, Perran I didn't mean that you're-" Perran cut him off again, a little firmer this time.

"Jacob... I just want to be alone right now. Please just give me some space." Perran closed the door behind him. And the loud Click of the lock shut down any thought of pushing this any further.

Jacob stood in the hallway alone.

The words that he'd been wanting to say still stuck in his throat. I never thought you were weak Perran.


On the other side of the door Perran fell to his hands and knees the first aid kit falling from under his jacket so Jacob wouldn't see it. He barely caught himself with his non broken arm, but couldn't stop himself from retching in the middle of the room. His vision got blurry and he could only take short quick breaths because every time he tried to take a breath he felt as though his own ribcage was crushing his own lungs.

His weak frail body was in so much pain. But he did his best to suffer in his own silence. He's already been a burden enough on everyone around him. He couldn't let his mistake tonight affect the Hikaris.

He acted so selfishly, trying to prove himself only put himself and Cougi in danger. Brick Forge was right, he was just a disaster waiting to happen.

And tonight he proved it, not just to everyone else, but also do himself.

Perran gripped the the blood stained carpet of the room. All he ever did was make people worry about him, or cause problems, because he was just a stupid, stupid talentless selfish person.

No matter how hard he tried, he always just messed things up.

If only that villain had killed him all those years ago none of this would have happened. He was stupid than to try to be a hero and he was stupid now to have thought he could have been of any help during that attack.

Tonight he should have... He should of...


The word hung in his mind. That word had floated in the back of his mind during that whole ordeal, the only thing keeping it at bay was his other thoughts of trying to save Cougi. But now that Cougi wasn't in danger and he was alone... It was much harder to push back on.

Things would be better if you weren't around.


No.. No I'm not giving up not yet.

Perran wasn't gonna be a burden anymore, on Brick Forge, not for Cougi, not for anyone. Including the Hikari's!

Without his job, he would just be a leech his foster family. And they were already struggling enough as it is with him contributing to the rent. There's not a chance they'd be able to afford the house if he stayed.

And forget about getting another job. It took Perran a year to get that job at Brick Forges place, and look how that turned. By now He's probably been blacklisted from working anywhere else.

So he has to leave, tonight.

Opening the first aid kit he riffled through its contents before finding what he was in dire need of. He pulled out box of Talent enhanced medical gauze. Out of habit he read the front of the box


It wouldn't fix him, but it would help him at least get some sleep for a hour or two.

A white roll of gauze that was almost completely used up was pulled out, Perran carefully undid his welders jacket, and winced as he pulled it off his left shoulder.

Lifting his shirt was a painful experience as most of the blood had dried bonding the shirt to his bruised skin.

On his left side was a large black and blue bruise that went from his chest down to his thigh. And even though he couldn't see it he could feel his back wasn't in any better condition.

Leaning against the mattress he slowly wrapped the reaming gauze around his chest, deeming it was more important to try to fix his breathing rather than his arm or leg.

It took a few seconds and a few wrap arounds before Perran began to feel the effects of the gauze. A tingling sensations that felt like cold water flowing over his skin relaxed his muscles and the pain began to lessen.

His chest loosened and he was able to breath a little easier. Though not by much. This wasn't the high grade stuff you could get at an actual clinic. Rather it was something bought at a corner store, usually for small burns or bumps for normal people.

He doubt it would do anything to what he now definitely suspect to be broken ribs. Same for his left arm. He really had over done it tonight.

Pulling himself up onto the bed Perran closed his eyes and tried to get a few hours of sleep before leaving.

It wasn't difficult, as soon as he laid his head down, sleep finally took him.


When the bell rung to dismissal the final class for the day Jacob wasted no time in gathering his things and heading home. With his approaching graduation there were a lot of things he needed to get done like apply to the Hero training program at the HCC who were having tryouts in five weeks. And he was very much not prepared.

Around him the other students were chattering away about all their future plans, what colleges they were applying to, job opportunities, moving to new cities. But not many had talked about wanting to be a hero. It seemed only those with talents that the media thought seemed perfectly suited to hero work even considered it an option. This included people with talents like, being able to turn into a ethereal animal of their choice, A guy who could teleport himself and others short distances, and Kasai's Ice claws. Which speaking him, was standing in the usual meetup spot, absent midendly picking at his teeth with one of his claws.

Kasia's white hair and "Stay away from me" look he gave anyone made him rather easy to find everyday.

"Ready to go?" Jacob asked approaching him.

Kasai gave an achologing grunt before walking out the front doors not even checking to see if Jacob was following or not. Tipical.

The walk home only took them about twenty minutes but it felt way faster to Jacob as he was overthinking a problem he's been meaning to face for awhile.

The HCC standards for who gets to enter the Pre Heros Courses has been getting higher and higher, which was a good thing he guessed. It meant that only the best of the best were getting in and being trained. But the problem was... He wasn't really sure he fit the standards.

While he loved the talent he got, it didn't really help him fight or save people. It was more of a... Party trick. And a inconvenienced at most times. Having your intrusive thoughts just materialize for all the world to see wasn't really a good thing to have happen. Hes body instinctively shuttered at some of the more embarrassing moments in particular. The shutter got the attention of Kasai whose expression said "What now?"

"Its nothing Kasai... Just thinking about the HCC Tryouts."

"You're still gonna try?" Kasai asked. But not with his usual mocking tone he used whenever Jacob talked about wanting to be a Hero.

"Yea... Aren't you gonna---"

"Convince you to give up on your stupid idea? Wheel heels said if I tried to crush your dreams again she'd sell all my belongings at the pawn shop." Kasai stopped and turned to face Jacob.

"And I believe her." Before continuing.

"Oh I see." He'll have to thank Nakama for that.

They walked for a bit longer in silence before Jacob decided to test the waters and see just how much Nakamas threat could be used to his advantage.

"So Kasai... With the try outs coming in a few weeks.. Would you maybe wanna do some sparring with me to practice?"

"She said I couldn't shatter your hopes and dreams, she didn't say anything about me actually helping you try." Apparently not very far Jacob thought to himself. If this was a session of T,T&T he's say he rolled low on persuasion.

They only waked a few steps insolence before kais unexpectedly continued the conversation.

"Why not ask Perran? He may be talentless, but he does watch a lot of those championship fights."

That.... Actually wasn't a bad idea.
Jacob didn't want to disturb Perran today as he wasn't sure how he was feeling. And after telling Their parents about what Parren had told him about quitting last night they had told him the same thing Perran had, that being to just give him some space for a bit.

But maybe talking about how to prepare him for the sparing matches might help cheer him up? It would be worth a shot.

When both of them finally made it home they were greeted by Mrs. Hikari. who was sitting on the front porch. Her Fabric like hair pinned to stitching rods she was using to make what Jacob assumed to be another blanket for the living room.

"Hello my boys, how was school today?"

"It was alright mom."

"Fine Mrs. Hikari." Kasi was polite with his response but quick to enter the house not wanting to talk anymore.

Which mom didn't seem to mind, she gave a knowing smirk, used to Kasiais behavior before turning back to Jacob who had stopped on the porch.

"Hows Perran doing?" jacob asked. His moms face changed for a split second to something of worry before going to back to its usual smile.

"He hasn't left his room all day. I didn't want to intrude so I've left him be for now. I know how much he pushed himself for that job, but i'd be a lier if I said I wasn't relieved he finally left it. Coming home in the late hours, always looking exhausted, Frankly I wouldn't want any of you working for that man." In a rare moment Jacob his mom sounded truly angry at someone, but it then switched back to more resigned tone.

"We should have spent more time helping him find a different job. Surely a safer job would have popped up eventually. Somewhere where he doesn't have to push himself so hard, like a nice office, or.. heck or even one of those Cat Cafe's in the cities." That last option brought back a favorite memory of the time the family took a trip to one of those cafes. The cats wouldn't leave mom and her yarn hair alone. In a matter of seconds she was coated head to toe in cats all fighting for her hair. They hadn't been back since.

"Oh Jacob! Don't go reminding me about that, I Can still feel their beady little claws in my scalp." She rubbed her hands through her hair as if feeling the fantom cats still there.

Jacob swatted away his cloud that had been replaying the event from his 8 year old point of view.

"Sorry mom. But it was pretty funny."

"Funny for the rest of you maybe, traumatizing for me." She said while trying not to smile out of the corner of her mouth.

They both tried not to burst into giggles for a bit, when they finally regained their composure Jacob decided now was probably the best time to ask.

"Do you think its alright if I go check on him? Make sure he's alright."

"I think now it would be good for him to have someone to talk to. You two always got along the best."

Jacob nodded and was about to head inside before his mom called out one last time.

"oh, and ask if he would want to join us for some food at Sijis Grill, Dad got some coupons from work, and with you and kasai graduating this week we thought maybe we should celebrate with a little treat."

"REALLY!? Isn't that place expensive?" Jacob hadn't expected something like this, they almost never went out to eat, and now they were going to one of the fancy family places!

"You're father and I have been saving up for a bit and doing a bit of overtime. its worth it. You've all worked so hard and deserved it. And besides, you two can't start your hero careers on a empty stomach."

Thinking back now, Jacob remembers seeing his mother work late into the night, growing her hair out long and stitching and sewing the different types of fabrics into more blankets than usual. And dad had been working extra late at the office too.

"Thanks mom! I'll let him know right away." Jacob gave his mom a big hug before running inside, tossing his backpack to the living room he ran up the stairs and to Perran room.

In front of the door was a plate of untouched food that he assumed that their mom had left out for him.

Has he not eaten all day? Jacob thought in concern.

He knocked on the door.

"Perran? Are you awake?"

he knocked again a little louder.

"Perran? Can I come in?"

Still no response.

Jacobs heart began to beat faster in his chest as his worry increased.

He tried the door handle. With relief it twisted and the door began to open.

He peaked his head around the door, opening it slowly expecting to see Perran just asleep in his bed.

But that's not what he saw.

Blood was on the ground, and there was more on the side of the bed. And and on the bed too. So much.

The first aid kit still laid open on the ground.

But Perran wasn't there.

"MOM!!! MOM!!!!" Jacob yelled.

He heard the front door swing open and his moms voice call out but his mind starting going fuzzy and the sounds blurred into mess he couldn't understand.

At some point he had backed out of the room wand was sitting in the hallway when his mom rushed to him.

He could just barely make out what she was saying.

"J--cob.. Wh-t ha-pened?"

"i-its Perran... He's not here...He's gone."

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