Der derp Author's page | World Anvil


Der derp

Anakin | Member Since 9 Jan, 2020
2 Followers 33522 Page views 1 Likes

Hi! I'm here to set up a system and world of my own.

Interests & Hobbies

playing video games, Legos

Favorite Movies

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, because it gives this profound stance on taste, seen below:
Nicholas Cage's character is asked what his favorite movie is, and he says stuff like it depends what day it is, what he had for meals, and what meal was most recent.

Favorite TV Series

Wednesday Addams

Favorite Books

Ready Player One and Armada, both by Ernest Cline, as well as some source books.

Favorite Writers

Ernest Cline, for his quality, and Stenphenie Meyer, for her lack of quality.

Favorite Games

WoW, Plants vs. Zombie: Garden Warfare 2 and The Binding of Isaac: Repentence